A Werewolf?

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I know it's not Halloween yet but I just felt the sudden urge to write this. I didn't do Septiplier because the last one was Septiplier. Gunna do Tythan instead. ¯ \_(ツ)_/¯ ~Kurativ
Ethan's P.O.V
I was sitting out on one of my porch chairs looking at the night sky. It was really quiet and relaxing. I needed days like these sometimes, especially with my editing and YouTube channel. The moon was full and the stars were bright. I sighed and almost didn't notice the faint scratching at my fence door.

I picked up my phone and walked over to the door. 'No ones there..' I thought. I heard soft whimpers and looked down. I felt my heart melt at the sight. It looked small, so I assumed it was a dog. It had blue eyes and curly brown fur. I opened the door and picked it up. I let out a quiet 'aww' at the dog.

'Yep, its a guy. Didn't think it was a girl.' I said in thought. Now I was really curious as to why it came to my house as I brought him inside. Of course I checked for rabies or anything bad, and I found nothing. I glanced over at him, and he was sitting uncomfortably on the ground. "What is it, buddy?" I cooed, wanting to build trust.

He seemed to understand me, since he held out his paw. It had dried blood on the bottom. I gently took it and turned it over. It looked like he stepped on something that cut through it. I then saw what caused it. I pulled out the small object and the dog flinched slightly. I threw the object away and washed his paw, bringing back the slick brown fur.

Now, since it was dark I thought he was a dog. I brought him up to my room and put him on my bed. "You're going to sleep here. You must be tired, at least." I said. It might just be me, but he looked like he understood. He passed up towards my face as I laid down. Since he was closer, I looked at his animal features. I quickly realized that this was a young wolf.

It didn't freak me out, since he didn't hurt me yet, but I got to admit, it caught me off guard that I brought a wolf, not a dog, into my house. Like I said, he didn't hurt me in any way, so I wasn't that scared. Just a little, because it's a wolf. I soon heard his soft snores, and then I fell asleep with him curled up to me.


I woke up the bright sunlight pouring into the bedroom. I groaned, sitting up. I rubbed my eyes, and when I could see fully, I noticed that the wolf wasn't there. I swung my legs over to the side of the bed and got up. I stretched slightly and made my way downstairs.

At first, I thought he left somehow during the night. I felt kinda sad that I wouldn't see such a nice wolf like that anymore. Boy, was I wrong. The wolf came bounding up towards me and almost knocked me down. I laughed, and petted him in his head. He got down and I walked towards the kitchen.

Since I wasn't expecting to have any sort of pet, I didn't have the supplies. I'm sure he won't mind eating scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast. He walked towards me as I set down the plate with food. We started eating and I just realized that I haven't given him a name.

I crouched down to see his face and asked "Hey, bud, do you have a name?" He glanced over to me and shook his head. I was surprised that he responded. "Alright, I'll try to guess your name since you can't actually talk." He nodded his head.




A growl and a No.


So there is going to be another part to this which I'm going to start making as soon as I publish this. Hope you like it! Feel free to send requests! ~Kurativ

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