Who's He?

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@MarkimooXJackaboy1 requested a PaperHat-related oneshot. I didn't have any ideas but someone told me this. Art is not mine! ~Kurativ


     Dr. Flug was in his lab, as usual, making blueprints for a new invention. He huffed, and slouched over his desk. He had pulled another all-nighter, which meant there were tons of coffee breaks.

There was faint knocking on the lab doors, and Flug shuffled towards them. He then peeked out to see 5.0.5 holding the mail. He patted the bear gently on the head, and walked off. He still doesn't get over he fact that such a nice bear works in an evil business. He flipped through the small amount of envelopes while heading to his desk. Most of them were trash, like advertisements, but one caught his eye.

It was a goldish-yellow, with Flug's name on the front in black, cursive writing. He wasn't sure who wrote this, but was eager to know what it was about. Flug doesn't know much people, but the ones he did were probably old friends.

He sat down on his chair and carefully opened the envelope, and pulled out a letter. He read over it silently, which stated,

'Doctor Flug,
You have been invited to a special event happening at Headmaster Obsidian's mansion around sunset. Do not fret, he welcomes any villains willing to come. However, especially for you Flug, this has to be a secret and you must wear a costume. You won't be the only one wearing a costume, but since you work at Black Hat Inc., it is confidential. Also, can't wait to see you again, old friend.


Flug kept skimming over the cursive writing to make sure he was reading correctly. He hasn't been invited to an event since....forever. He knew he would have to come up with an excuse and find a disguise for him to go. He stuffed the letter into one of his coat pockets and rubbed his face from under his bag.

Then, it came to him. He knew what to do, and began to think out his plan.


It was around sunset, and Black Hat was waiting impatiently for the right time. He too, has been invited to the event, but doesn't know that anybody else in the mansion is going. He doesn't think Obsidian much as a friend, more like business partners. They'll occasionally talk, but it was usually short.

He snapped out of his thoughts when there was a knocking on his door. "Come in." He said, loud enough for the person to hear. They then creeped in, and cleared their throats. Black Hat shifted his attention, seeing that Flug was in the doorway. "What is it?" He meant to sound stern, but it can out gentle unintentionally. Every time Flug is involved, he always gets softer. For that, he mentally scolds himself.

"I just needed to ask if I-I could get more materials for t-the invention, sir." Flug stuttered. He was tugging at the sleeves of his lab coat nervously. Flug was doing that on purpose, for extra effect, and it seemed like Black Hat was falling for it.

Black Hat made a 'hmm' sound and furrowed his brows slightly. He then waved his hand, "Fine. Go, but be back before 9. I know how long it can take to find the right parts." He explained. Flug said a 'thanks!' and left. Black Hat sighed deeply and set his elbows on the table. On the other hand, Flug was overly happy that his first step worked. Now all he had to do is leave without being noticed. It wasn't going to be hard, since Dementia always hangs around Black Hat's office, and 5.0.5 would probably be in the kitchen. He had also contacted Ryan, asking for a ride.

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