First Meeting

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Friend: hey you should write about that psycho character you made
Me: mmmmmm ok
*Warning: Cursing*
The sound of footsteps echoed loudly through the hall, the only sound made as Cole walked, escorted by two security guards with loaded guns and full-on gear. The walls had seen better days, marked with scratches and stains that will probably never come off. The only color was a dull gray, with a steel black door at the end of the hall.

As Cole got closer to the door, he took one last glance at the clipboard in his hands, and with a slight nod of his head to himself, he stopped his pace as the guards ceased, one of them unlocking the keypad. The screen flashed green, and with a beep, the door unlocked. The other guard pushed open the steel door, stepping aside for Cole.

     Cole nodded thanks to the guard, walking inside and taking in his surroundings immediately. There wasn't much, only a large desk with computers occupied with other people and other machinery. There was also a big window, with a ledge in front of it. On the other side of the window, there was a man who had his head slumped, shaggy black hair covering his face, his hands handcuffed.

     One of the technicians cleared their throat, and turned to Cole. "That's the one you are here for." She said, tilting her head as to point at the slouched man. The technician pushed up her glasses, turning back to the computer. "Agent Nor is the one interviewing, while you're watching from behind the window." She said, her voice meaning business. Cole simply replied with a "Right", stepping up to the window.

     Cole tried to get a look at the man's face, but the hair blocked it, only making Cole barley able to see the man's mouth. So, Cole looked at the man's other features. He mentally took notes, since he wasn't given a picture of the man before, and this was his chance to see what he was dealing with. His eyebrows furrowed slightly as he studied the unmoving man.

     The man had tanned skin, a bit darker than caramel, and he had bandages covering his arms, scars peeking out from the edges. He had lean muscle, meaning that he had more agility than strength. The man didn't even look like he was even breathing, and would've been mistaken dead if not for his occasional, slight movement of his chest. Cole moved to get a better angle, and could see that the man's hands were clenched tight together.

     Suddenly, the steel door opened to the room where Cole was, making Cole whip his head towards it. There, in the doorway, was Agent Nor, the one who would be doing the interrogation. He looked strict, standing straight up with a really serious look on his face. He huffed, mumbling an "Evening." to the team. Cole waved, and turned his attention back to the man, but when he did, he felt a prickle along his spine.

     The man, who was previously a statue, was now sitting up, staring intently at Cole. Well, it felt like he was staring at him, but in reality, he shouldn't be able to see anything behind the glass. Cole felt unnerved, the man's blazing golden eye was staring right in his direction. His right eye had a scar, and the iris an inky black. His mouth was a thin, straight line.

     Cole was still, paying no mind to the people talking behind, his full attention on the detained man on the other side of the glass. The man must've sensed something, maybe even Cole's unnatural uneasiness, because he grinned. He grinned so widely that his canines shined, a crinkle underneath his eyes. His posture was laid back, head tilted as his legs were spread out under the table.

     Cole forced himself to look away, his heartbeat quicker. He was safe. There's no way that man would know that he's there. It's all good. No worries. He then tuned back into reality, breaking out of his thoughts. He saw Agent Nor heading towards the other door, the one that lead into the interrogation room.

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