chapter 17

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I was kicked out my dream by  loud screaming.
I jumped out of bed to see Leondre panicking.
I don't what's happening.
What do I do.
Leo was Holding his chest he couldn't breathe.
Vikki runs in saying we need to get him to the hospital.
I pick Leo up and run down the stairs.
"It's going to be okay Leo, I got you"
I told him holding him close.
We got to the car. Vikki was caring for leo in the back.
My heart was racing and my mouth was dry.

I got Leondre in the hospital with his mother.
Doctors and nurses surrounded us, I saw Leo's eyes roll out of consciousness.
They put and oxygen mask on him then layed him on a bed they wheeled him away with doctors fussing over him and a worried mother.I tried to follow them.
" Sorry sir you can't come in here, only family"
A nurse told me.
I knew this would happen.
Before he left my side, I quickly kissed his hand.
" I love you, keep fighting"
I told him trying not to cry. All he could do was look at me. He squeezed my hand.
Then I watched my everything being carried away hopeless and struggling.

Everything started to fall away. My world became to crumble. I was trapped inside fear. Tears started to pour from my eyes.
What do I do now.
It was all my fault, I let him stay away from the hospital.

I run and kept running. Out of the hospital. It was raining hard, least no will see my crying. I stood on the steps out side the hospital and sobbed. My heart was in pain. Loving someone hurt. I wanted to see him and make him feel better, but I'm powerless.

I rang my mum. I told her everything that happened.
She was with me straight away.
I cried on my shoulder in the waiting room.
We was in there hours.
I was worried sick.
I couldn't eat or drink.
I sat there in silence just holding my mother's hand, praying for him to be okay.

I was now 7 o'clock in the morning.
Vikki come on the the doors, her eyes were red and puffy from crying. She was with a doctor, he didn't look sad.
I shot up.
" Is how is he, is he okay what happened"
I rumbled on just wanted and answer I'm not sure I really the to know.
My heart was racing again.
They gave me a sad look.
" I'm afraid Mr Devries has taken a turn for the worst, he has about 3 days to live"
The doctor said formally and I wanted him to as sad as I was but I he was a doctor he saw this everyday.
I fell to the floor.
I couldn't believe it.
It wasn't fair.
I was to sad to cry.
I was just bitter and angry. An amazing, wonderful beautiful person like my Leondre didn't deserve this.
He's meant to go on and live a happy life. Where he changes the world for the better and makes everyone proud. To get married and have family.
And where he

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