we dont talk anymore (jingyeom)

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we don't talk anymore. we don't love anymore. oh, it's such a shame.

(in other words, yugyeom misses talking to jinyoung)


We don't talk anymore
Like we used to do


yugyeom sits up on his bed, running a hand through his messy dark hair. almost the same way jinyoung did a few minutes ago, only with less pulling.

the bed covers are on the floor, discarded during the previous activity that took place in his room.

jinyoung is standing in front of the bed. cheeks still rosy, he pulls his pants up and looks around for his shirt. standard routine after what they usually do in yugyeom's room.

but this time, the older doesn't leave with a simple, quick bye.

"i'm leaving korea. i got the scholarship and i'm gonna study abroad," jinyoung explains, shrugging absentmindedly while pulling his shirt over his head.

"oh," breathes yugyeom.

yugyeom knows that it's a poor reaction. but he's disappointed and who really cares if jinyoung can tell. but if the other notices the sudden mood drop, he doesn't comment on it.

yugyeom should be happy for jinyoung; after all, studying abroad is a big deal. it has been jinyoung's dream for as long as he has known him. but jinyoung isn't acting as excited as someone who wants to escape from the boredom and routine of korea since puberty.

maybe he's sad too, the optimistic side of yugyeom thinks.

but he knows that it's false hope and that is just how jinyoung acts around him. always nonchalantly, as if he didn't have a care in the world. didn't care about no one, not even about the younger boy on the bed in front of him.

"i'm going to the u.s. so we obviously won't be able to do..." jinyoung waves a hand around the room, not pointing at anything in particular. "... this anymore."

"got it."

jinyoung stands beside the bedroom's door. he's fully dressed now.

yugyeom's still naked on the bed and he suddenly feels really exposed.

"good luck in america."

"thanks, yugyeom. i'll talk to you later."

jinyoung leaves and yugyeom's alone.

he should've known that those last words were false hope too.

We don't love anymore
What was all of it for?

"how could you let him leave like that? weren't you in love?" practically screams jungkook.

yugyeom almost jumps on him, hand ready to cover the other's loud mouth.

they are sitting on the ground beside the basketball court where they usually hang out and play ball with other boys from the neighborhood. while jungkook is sipping some water from his bottle after a particularly tiring match, yugyeom dabs his sweaty forehead with a towel, sharing with his best friend what happened a few days ago with his usual bed partner.

"would you quiet down?" hisses yugyeom, punching the older's shoulder. "and i was not in love with jinyoung."

jungkook snorts. "could've fooled me."

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