youngjae~ah (youngjae x everyone)

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Younjae is got7's little baby and they cannot help but spoil him.
Youngjae harem XD


Youngjae loves his hyungs from the depth of his heart.

Knowing them from the week he stepped into the entertainment industry he had always thought they were his family as a kid.

He absolutely loved sitting on their lap while they coddled him. Yugyeom and bambam despite being younger were more mature than him so he depended on them as much as he depended on jaebum.

However as a kid even though he acted like he didnt know anything he knew. He knew what went on behind the doors in their dorm. He was never involved in those things but he knew.

He used to hear jinyoung scream amd moan in his and jaebum's room when he came home early from language classes. He had seen jackson and mark kissing and gropping more than few times. He was shocked when he saw mark with jaebum too, he was a bit iffed thinking that his hyung were cheating on each other. But as a year went by he knew they all were fucking each other.

Everybody except him.

He had blinked his tears away the first time thinking it was what grown ups do and maknae line were not involved. Then later he saw yugyeom, mark and bambam together.

Yougjae had cried himself to sleep. He felt that he was uglier and it was why his hyungs didnt choose him.

At first he didnt know why he felt so hollow and sad that he was not involved.

He turned 15, realised what sex is, what masturbating is then he knew why he felt sour when he saw jaebum tease jinyoung none too discreetly and jinyoung looking at youngjae scared he will find something out.

He jerked himself off seeing jinyoung and jackson fuck from the crack of the door.

He realised he wanted to be theirs. He wanted to feel them, he wanted them to fuck him.

When he turned 16 he had enough. He had called in a mini meeting and cried a river screaming at anybody who decided to touch him. He yelled at them for leaving him out of things. He yelled at them telling how they didnt love him at all. He poured out his feeling, his insecurities about his looks.

After youngjae had shiverled up, stopped crying jaebum had stood up and made youngjae sit on his lap despite his squirming. He hugged him and youngjae had his first ever kiss. He had pulled back and looked at jaebum with wide eyes. Jaebum told him everything. About how they were restricting themselve to touch him as he was way too innocent. They all loved youngjae and each others but yet scared that he will run away or hate them, they had stopped themselves.

Youngjae had a large smile on his face. He was happy. He had thought his hyungs hated him but it had turned out they all loved him and wanted to protect his virginity.

That day was awesome. They all made out. But they decided not to fuck him until he tuned 21. Youngjae had protested but a firm look from jaebum made him settle down and climb on his lap. It was a promise they all fulfilled. The week he turned 21 he couldnt even walk properly.

Youngjae smiles to himself. It was all good, hot and sexy memories for him.

"Youngjae-ah! Hey! Snap out of it!' Jackson shouts clicking his fingers infront of youngjae who looked so far off.

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