to kill the sun (2young)

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jinyoung doesn't believe in love at first sight.
youngjae doesn't believe in happy endings.
they want to change each other, but that's not how a relationship works.


for the first twenty four years of his life, jinyoung is a firm protestor when it comes to love at first sight.

(not when the prospect is too unreliable, too dramatized, too shallow for any serious relationship.)

then he meets youngjae, and it's like every cynical thought is pushed aside to make room for a chest full of overplayed love songs, his hands too busy holding youngjae's to think about anything else.

maybe it wasn't love at first sight, but it had been curiosity at the very least- jinyoung had been picking up takeout from some cheap corner store when he had seen the younger man smiling, coy and brilliant, in the bar across the street.

jinyoung had spent all day pacing over some psychotic serial killer with no visible motive other than pure enjoyment , and needless to say, the only thing he wanted was to indulge himself with unhealthy takeout and pass out in front of the tv, but the stranger across the street had him second-guessing himself.

he was still in his uniform and yet even as he sat down, the stranger didn't seem the least bit deterred by the outfit (if anything, he only looked more interested).

they had talked for awhile or maybe only for a few minutes (the stranger had a way of making time seem like white noise); jinyoung had simply been glad for the pretty face and pretty words to distract him from work.

and then had come the flirting, soon followed by the bruising kisses and choked whispers all the way from the bar to the taxi to jinyoung's apartment.

he's left watching the man, youngjae, whose name sounds as pliant and intoxicating as the man himself, panting and scrambling from where he sits on top of jinyoung, and he thinks, this guy is trouble .

he doesn't remember it until youngjae has fallen asleep curled into him, arm draped loosely around jinyoung's torso; he's too sated and content to do anything other than set the thought aside.

jinyoung wakes up the next morning to a note and a series of numbers, both of which he memorizes with a quirk of his lips and an extra jump in his step.

the future finds them in another dingy bar, then a five star restaurant, followed by a bathroom stall with youngjae's thighs wrapped around jinyoung's hips.

their relationship is a mess of physical contact and too-sweet words, something that only escalates when they decide to move in with each other a few months later.

they're not quite soulmates in the way that everyone seems to make them out to be- they have plenty of arguments, plenty of broken dishes swept under the counter, but they're both exceptionally good actors when they're outside and forced to offer each other a kiss and a smile.

jinyoung had spent years teaching himself how to lie through his teeth, but youngjae is a natural; he'll spit curses in jinyoung's face and furiously rub tears from his cheeks, but the second they're out the door, he's all fluttering lashes and bashful giggles, arms tight around jinyoung's side.

despite the fact that youngjae's masks are nearly identical to his actual face, jinyoung likes to think that he still knows youngjae like the back of his hand.

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