dreaming about you (jingyeom)

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The problem with dreams was that they could shatter. And those shards, they hurt. One-sided jingyeom.


Another day, another interview.

"Tell the person on your left three things you appreciate about him!" declared the interviewer enthusiastically, like this type of question was brand new. Yugyeom glanced to his left, even though he didn't need to in order to know who was sitting there. Jinyoung, of course.

"Well," Yugyeom said when it was his turn, trying to focus on Jinyoung's face instead of all the people watching him. "Jinyoung-hyungie is really talented. He just starred in another movie and has composed many songs for us. Plus, he's great at singing and dancing, of course."

"Talented indeed!" the host said. "That somehow felt like ten items already, even though it was technically one. What else?"

"Jinyoung-hyung is also kind, and great at giving advice. You know, when you're feeling down he just – " he felt everyone staring at him, and realised he was rambling, going way off topic. He coughed. "But anyway, most of the time he's just annoying."

Everyone laughed. Jinyoung hit the back of his head, more amused than annoyed. Maknae on top always worked in variety.

"They're like Tom and Jerry," Bambam explained to the host and Yugyeom made a peace sign for the cameras.

Another day, another unresolved crush.

Yugyeom remembered clearly when Jinyoung had announced he had a girlfriend. It didn't come as a surprise – how could it when the members spent most of their time together – but now it was official, he was in love, he was serious about it, and Yugyeom froze even as everyone around him moved to pat Jinyoung on the back. (Yugyeom did too, eventually, with a smile that was genuine because his hyung simply looked so happy.)

They'd met the girl in question a couple of weeks later, as she briefly visited the JYP building to shake hands. Mina was a year younger than Jinyoung, non-famous, and they'd met at the set of one of his photoshoots where she worked as an assistant. She'd go out with Jinyoung later for sashimi. (Similar taste in food, Yugyeom noted, and couldn't help but recall all the times he had rebuffed Jinyoung's dinner invitations because he didn't like the cuisine in question. Karma.)

According to the dramas that Yugyeom knew by heart, he ought to hate this girl now. But he didn't. Mina was friendly and easy-going and they were soon happily chatting away about the best seafood restaurants in Seoul and Descendants of the Sun. Similar taste in dramas was the quickest way to get on his good list.

But then Jinyoung arrived and touched his girlfriend's nape in that casual intimate way of lovers and Yugyeom promptly forgot his entire speech onDots' love story. Right. This is also what happened in dramas.

Yugyeom excused himself as BamBam made gagging noises in the background ("grow up, will you?" sighed Jinyoung exasperatedly, while Mina seemed amused at it all). He headed straight for the practice room. He'd been meaning to get some dancing done and now was as good a time to start as any. But really, the best thing about dancing had always been that there was no thinking involved.

"What do you think about Mina?"

They were in the waiting room for another music show. The rest of the group were getting their make-up done, whilst Yugyeom and Jinyoung, having finished early, were lounging on the surprisingly comfortable couch.

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