You're my best friend, you make me live (jjproject)

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"I just want to stay in bed and hold you like I used to"


"I'm your best friend, right?"


The others know there was a time before them, when it was just Jaebum and Jinyoung against the world.


"I'll ask a question now. If you had to do a unit project excluding me, who would you do it with?"

"I'm not going to do it!"

"If you had to do it"

"I won't do it if you're not in the unit"

"Ah what should I say in this situation?!"

"I won't do anything without you! How can I do another unit, leaving JJ Project behind?!?!"


It's not exactly hard to see how much they need each other; how much they love each other. All seven of them share a bond that's hard to break.

But there's more to the bond, different layers and intricate details that outsiders find hard to understand.

Sometimes they cling to each other, not because they want to but because they need to.

And when Jinyoung says he doesn't want to do anything without Jaebum, he's not just talking about music.


Every so often, something will happen and it will serve as a reminder of Jinyoung and Jaebum's friendship. The years they spent trying and growing, always together, Jinyoung and Jaebum, Junior and JB. It will sometimes come as a shock, when the other members had forgotten the years, the life the duo had lived before. A simple moment that causes memories to flood both their brains, and the others can only watch in amusement as they become JJ Project again, become best friends.

Sometimes the group visit somewhere Jaebum and Jinyoung have already been before, and all it takes is for them to exchange a look and whisper,

"Remember when we..."

And then they burst into laughter, clinging to each other as they utter breathless words that only they understand.

"The ice cream..." Jaebum begins, grinning so hard the edges of his eyes crinkle, as his left hand finds Jinyoung's right hand.

"And th-the little-" Jinyoung dissolves into another heap of giggles before he can finish his sentence, head burying into the safety of the other's shoulder.

"The lit-little kid?" Jaebum finishes for him, and Jinyoung nods quickly, tears already forming in his eyes as he tries to hold back his laughter.

"Are you guys okay?"

The rest of the group watch in amusement, exchanging confused glances as two of their more mature members lose all their composure in matter of seconds.

Jinyoung nods his head at the same time Jaebum shakes his, the both of them still wiping away stray tears.

"We uh, came" Jinyoung breathlessly explains, and Jaebum watches him, hand still holding his, squeezing his.

"Before us?"

There's no hurt in the words, because the others know there was a time before them, when it was just Jaebum and Jinyoung against the world.

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