Part 4

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As Sean began to sip his coffee, Mark finally started making his own cup.  He didn't want to pressure Sean, but he was curious himself when he asked.  "Is there anything you can tell us about yourself"?  Sean slowly lowered his cup from his lips, answering softly.  "Until I heal. I can't complete my job".  Something about the way Sean had said that gave Mark a sudden chill.  What was his job?  He really wished that Sean would tell him.  From the sofa, Bob asked Mark curiously.  "What are we going to do with him until then"?  Mark blinked in surprise, asking Bob a bit sarcastically.  "We? No, no, no, no. I'm going to take him to a place he will be safe".  Wade chuckled, chiming back just as sarcastically.  "Like where? You going to slip him into the mail slot of the nearest church"?  Bob and Wade shared a laugh, but Mark thought about it as a serious option.  A church.  They would know what to do with an Angel, right?  Mark smirked, telling them all seriously.  "That's actually not a bad idea, Wade". 

Wade and Bob stopped chuckling to give Mark concerned looks.  Bob was the first to snap back a bit defensively.  "You can't be serious, Mark? You can't take him there".  Mark simply shrugged asking.  "Why not? Angel's are religious, right"?  Wade shifted on the sofa to glare Mark down as he answered.  "Mark, come on. You can't take them there. You don't know what they will do to him. You could end up starting a religious war over him".  Mark sighed loudly, before he told them.  "You think he is safe here? What if my neighbors see him? Reporters will show up and then the government. If they get him...".  Mark glanced at Sean refusing to say what they might do.  He didn't want to scare Sean.  Sean set his cup down on the counter, saying aloud curiously.  "Does anyone care what I think"?  Mark blushed and lowered his gaze to the floor.  He didn't think Sean was following this conversation.  Bob waved as a gesture for Sean to say something on this matter. 

Sean turned to face Mark, lifting his chin with his good hand when he answered.  "I don't think it is wise to send me away. I must stay here. I'm not strong enough to defend myself".  Mark blushed a deeper red and gently pushed Sean's hand away.  Maybe that gesture meant something else to Angels, but among humans that was a bit personal.  Mark cleared his throat, turning away to tell everyone nervously.  "I understand, but I still think we should try".  Wade grumbled bitterly back to Mark.  "I think you're making a mistake. Bob and I should get a say in this too".  Bob nodded, telling Mark sharply.  "I agree with Wade. We should keep him. Can you imagine the kind of charity work we could do with him? What if he could really heal people? He could save so many lives"!  Mark glanced at Sean and Sean seemed to turn paler.  He looked suddenly unsettled about something.  Before Mark could ask, Wade chimed out happily.  "YA! Or get this. We could keep him around and learn all we can about him. I mean, can you imagine the secrets to life that he knows? We could learn about him in a safe environment and then tell people about him". 

Mark frowned at Bob and Wade, turning to look back at Sean.  Only to find him gone!  Mark whirled around to see Sean sneaking out the front door!  In a rush, Mark snatched a blanket out of a closet and slipped out after him.  Sean stopped out on the lawn, staring up into the sky as the rain fell and Mark quickly draped the blanket over his back.  Sean glanced over his shoulder after a moment to say in a sad voice.  "I think I understand now. We should try your way, if you think it will help".  Mark nodded, gesturing toward his car.  Mark quickly opened the door to the backseats.  Sean sat slanted across the seats to keep from bending his wings.  Mark closed the door, rushing into the driver seat just as Bob and Wade came running out.  Mark floored it out of his driveway despite their cries out to him.  Sean gave them a sad wave, telling Mark calmly.  "I can't heal people, Mark. That's not my job".  Mark shot a quick glance into the rearview mirror to look at Sean.  He looked so sad about that.  Mark turned his eyes back on the road, telling him with a smirk.  "It's alright. People assume a lot of things about Angels". 

Sean rubbed his hurt arm, mumbling out softly.  "There are Angels that heal people. They can't just heal anyone though. There are rules and reasons for everything. I hate seeing humans suffer... Which is why I couldn't do that job. I couldn't save everyone. I didn't want to watch them suffer. It never made sense to me".  Mark licked his dry lips, answering tenderly.  "Maybe it's through pain that we learn to care. Or maybe pain teaches us to enjoy the little things so much more".  Sean's blue eyes met his in the mirror, when he told Mark seriously.  "That could be true".  Mark forced his eyes back on the road as he playfully asked to break the gloom.  "Are their really Cupids? I've always wanted to know".  Sean leaned in between the front seats, asking confused.  "What's a Cupid"?  Mark chuckled, answering.  "Well, their these baby angels that shoot these love arrows into couples to make them fall in love".  Sean giggled softly for a moment, before mumbling out.  "Oh, I got to remember that one. The guys are going to get a kick out of that one".

Mark couldn't help smiling.  Something about Sean's smile and laugh made him feel warm and fuzzy.  Almost like it was contagious.  He was happy that he got Sean to smile.  After a moment, Sean answered a bit shyly.  "Don't tell anyone... but there are matchmaking angels. They are not kids though and they don't shoot people. They have this... love touch".  Mark smirked, asking curiously.  "A love touch, huh"?  Sean nodded, mumbling out shyly.  "Ya, they touch both people on the shoulder, or the arm and they get all nervous or giddy. I don't know much more than that. They don't like hanging around my group much".  Mark didn't want the conversation to turn grim again, so he quickly asked.  "What about guardian angels? Do they exist"?  Sean was suddenly quiet.  Mark risked a quick glance to see Sean staring at his good arm.  Mark had to do a double take.  Had that tattoo always been there?  He couldn't recall seeing it on him before.

Mark turned his eyes back on the road, asking Sean nervously.  "Sean? Is everything alright? What's with the tattoo"?  Sean pulled the blanket tightly over his chest to cover himself completely.  Sean flashed him a small smile in the mirror, but Mark felt like that was something important that he was trying to hide.  Sean cleared his throat softly, telling him anxiously.  "It's nothing. Are we there yet"?  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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