Part 12

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Sean stood outside in the backyard with the dogs sitting beside him.  Above him a flock of birds were gracefully flying overhead.  He missed the feeling of being so free.  He could feel gravity as if it was heavy chains weighing him down.  He wanted to fly and break away from everything.  He had never felt hungry before.  Had never had a need to sleep.  Had never felt tired.  Had never felt pain.  He had never fallen so far.  Falling for a human.  Angels do not fall in love.  They fought to protect the balance of life.  Although, these feelings he was starting to feel.  Sean clawed his chest and spoke softly in an dialect no mortal could understand.  He needed help.  He needed answers.  "I don't know if you can hear me... but I don't think I can do this anymore. I don't want to reap him. Cause if I do... I'll never see him again. Not in this life time". 

The trees at the end of the property began to rustle with a soft breeze and a very faint woman's voice answered him so softly.  "Sean. My child. The journey is yours to make".  The breeze brushed against his face and when he closed his eyes... He could almost see her cupping his face.  A large airy form of a woman.  A comforting mother.  He bit his lip trying to hold back tears as he whispered back.  "I don't want to disappoint you...".  The breeze brushed over his shoulders and he felt her hugging him so gently, but so lovingly as she whispered into his ear.  "You could never disappoint me, Sean. You are as I made you. You do not walk this journey alone. For I am always with you".  The image of her faded from his mind as he reopened his eyes to soft whining.  Sean looked down at the dogs just as something stung his neck. 

Sean reached up to yank out a small metal stinger from his neck and stared at it a little confused.  A man stepped out from around the house, but his features were becoming distorted.  Something was wrong with his vision.  It was blurring like water.  Rubbing his eyes, Sean cautiously began to back up.  The dogs growled and barked, before letting out sharp yelps and falling silent.  A man's distorted voice told someone casually.  "Easy now. He's not down yet. Give the tranquillizer a few more seconds".  Sean tried to summon his trident, but his arm was feeling weak and was going numb.  His legs started to feel the same way, causing him to fall to his knees.  His heart was racing and he couldn't see anything clearly.  Everything was a mess of watercolors.  Taking a breath, Sean let out a sharp ear piecing scream.  A few men yelled in pain, but it wasn't enough. 

Sean fell weakly back across the grass as a man told someone else.  "Quickly now! Someone will have heard that! Get him to the van. We need to clip his wings".  Fear surged through Sean, until everything went dark. 

Mark didn't wait for his mom to bring the car to a complete stop.  He just jumped out and called out loudly toward the house.  "SEAN"?!  Mark's heart sank.  The gate to the backyard was open and the front door was open.  His mom gasped, putting a hand to her mouth.  Mark turned to tell her loudly.  "Mom, call the cops! I'm going to check it out"!  His mom pulled out her phone, yelling back at him.  "No! Mark, Stay here"!  Mark didn't listen.  He was already running through the gate to the backyard.  The sight of Lucy and Maggie laying across the grass took his breath away.  Quickly moving closer, he looked them over.  They were alive.  Just heavily sedated from the red tranquillizer dart in their backs.  Climbing to his feet, Mark crept up to the open back porch door and clenched his jaw in frustration.  There was a note attached to the back door. 

Mark removed the note from the door and read it silently to himself.  "By the request of the Pope, the property has been confiscated in the name of the church. This holy object in question is no longer your concern, nor in need of your protection. Go with God. Signed, Father Burke".  Mark crumpled the paper in his hands and let out a loud pain filled scream.  When his mom ran into the backyard, he turned tear stained cheeks toward her and she relaxed a little.  She got the message.  They had taken Sean and Mark's heart with him.  The cops arrived shortly after to verify that nothing was stolen and inform the insurance company of the damages.  They didn't bother telling them about Sean.  They wouldn't believe them anyway.  His mom took the dogs immediately to the Vet after that to be sure they didn't die from an overdose.  While Mark sat in the dark at home.  He didn't know where to even start looking for Sean. 

He could try going back to the church... but he had a feeling that was a waste of time.  They wouldn't take him back there knowing he would probably check there first.  So, what could he do?  Mark glanced up to the dark hallway and an idea came to him.  Standing up, he yelled out into the darkened hallway.  "ANTI?! If you're here than show yourself"!  Mark waited a moment, but nothing happened.  Maybe he only stayed within a few feet of Sean... like a shadow.  Sitting back down, Mark heard the floorboards creak down the darken hallway.  Slowly looking up, Mark saw a dark figure standing in the shadows.  Mark knew this was probably a bad idea, but he didn't see a choice.  Fearlessly, he asked Anti curiously.  "Can you find Sean"?  The dark figure's voice crackled like static as he chuckled out.  "No. I KNOW where he is. I always know where he is".  Mark slowly stood back up, asking seriously.  "Than take me to him". 

Anti clicked his tongue rhythmicly like a clock, before telling him firmly.  "Why should I do this? There isn't anything for me to gain in helping you".  Mark shrugged carelessly, asking sharply.  "What do you want"?  Anti moved closer in the shadows, cooing out softly.  "Things you can't give me, mortal".  Mark sighed heavily, asking hopefully.  "What can I give you? I must have something you want that I can give you"?  Anti's fingers curled around the edges of the hallway as he darkly purred out.  "You can give me Sean"?  Mark shook his head and snapped back.  "Anything else"?  Anti sighed just as heavily, before telling him firmly.  "Than I'll take your soul".  Mark swallowed nervously.  He had a feeling that a demon would ask for it... but he had hoped that he was wrong.  When he hesitated, Anti told him bluntly.  "That is my price, Mark. It's not so unfair. Your soul to save his. Or is he not worth it? I can always leave and find him myself". 

Anti started to retreat back into the darkened hallway and Mark extended a hand, calling out in a panic.  "Wait! I'll do it. My soul for your help. Deal"?  Anti stepped out of the dark hallway and into the moonlight with a wicked grin.  Mark gasped a little sharply.  Anti was different looking now.  On top of his black clothes and black eyes with bright green irises, he had wings!  Although, they weren't angel wings.  They were large jet black leathery bat wings.  His hands had fingers that looked like they had been dipped in black ink with even longer black talon claws.  Even Anti's ears seemed longer and his teeth... He looked evil.  Sean was right.  Anti was getting stronger.  Anti disappeared and reappeared right in front of him, clutching his jaw between two of his sharp talons. 

Mark stared up into Anti's cold heartless eyes as Anti leaned in slowly to kiss him.  It wasn't like any kiss Mark had ever felt.  From the second their lips touched, Mark felt pain shoot straight into his heart!  It was as if Anti was trying to rip his heart out and pull it through his throat!  Mark couldn't breathe!  Grabbing Anti's shoulder,  Mark squeezed it in fear.  Anti was unfazed by it.  He didn't appear to feel pain.  When Anti finally broke the kiss, Mark collapsed to his knees watching a wispy white light leave his body and into Anti's mouth.  Mark fell across the floor, clutching his burning chest.  He felt dizzy and weak.  Standing over him, Anti told him mercilessly.  "Get up. Or I'm leaving without you".  Mark forced himself up onto his shaky legs as Anti spread his large leathery wings.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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