Part 9

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Mark shifted uncomfortably as his mom entered the room.  She kneeled down beside Sean, gently taking his arm and slipped it into the white brace.  After tightening up the grey straps, she asked Sean tenderly.  "Is it too tight"?  Sean still refused to show her his blushing face, but flexed his fingers a few times.  When he finally answered, it was muffled by the carpet a bit.  "It's good".  Mark placed a hand on Sean's bare shoulder, telling his mom.  "How long do you think it will take him to heal"?  His mom sat back on her heels, telling him confidently.  "Not long. He seems to be healing pretty fast. Faster than a human at any rate. My biggest worry is his wing".  His mom reached out to gently take hold of his wing and Sean shivered uncontrollably.  The thought made Mark blush.  Should he tell his mom that Sean's wing was... sensitive?  She was a nurse.  She could be professional about it. 

Sean let her slowly extend his hurt wing out as far as it would allow.  Mark rubbed Sean's shoulder, feeling him shake slightly.  Was he cold or nervous?  She tenderly moved her fingers along the wing bone, telling Mark hesitantly.  "Your grandfather used to have a bird. So, I know generally what it should feel like. As far as setting it... I don't know. Bird bones are so fragile and hollow. Even with wings this size... I don't know if I'd trust myself to set it".  When her fingers moved over the bandage that Mark had wrapped, Sean's wing jerked away from her.  She waited a moment before taking the wing back, adding gently.  "He can move it. That is a good sign".  Mark glanced at Sean to see him biting his thumb.  He didn't look like he was in pain.  He just looked worried.  His mom drew his attention back, by telling him warmly.  "I think it is healing well.  I don't feel any broken pieces and he has mobility. Only time will tell. Unless we risk taking him to a vet". 

Mark shook his head.  He had been wrong about taking him to the church.  He didn't want to risk having a vet turn on them.  His mom suddenly reached down to touch the back of her hand to Sean's forehead.  The gesture was so motherly that for a moment Mark felt jealous.  Removing her hand, she told Mark in a warm voice.  "You should take him to your room and get him under some blankets. I think he may be coming down with something".  Mark stared at her perplexed, asking curiously.  "How do you know"?  His mom shot him shadowed eyes, stating aloud.  "Because I'm a mother who raised two sons. That's how".  Sean smiled sleepily as Mark picked him up off the floor.  Sean did feel a bit cold in his arms.  Sean sleepily snuggled closer into his warm chest as he carried him down the hall. 

In his old bedroom, Mark laid Sean across the small bed.  Sean rolled onto his stomach, snuggling into one of the big pillows.  Smiling to himself, Mark watched Sean's good wing slip off the bed and across the floor.  He knew Sean was still tired.  Mark hesitated when he reached out to touch Sean's smooth back.  He probably didn't sleep well in the car.  With wings like this, he guessed that Sean needed a lot of room.  Mark let his fingers slide down Sean's back between his beautiful wings.  For someone so thin, he could feel the muscles hidden beneath his soft smooth skin.  A content moan left Sean and Mark forced himself to pull his hand away.  A hand touched his shoulder and Mark jumped in fright.  His mom touched a finger to her lips, before draping a warm blanket over Sean's sleeping body.  When she tucked Sean in carefully, she ran a hand loving through Sean's hair. 

As she walked back passed him, she gestured for Mark to follow her out.  She silently closed the bedroom door, leading him back into the living room as she quietly told him.  "Mark... You're not getting attached to him are you"?  Mark scoffed weakly, quietly stammering back.  "No! Of course not! I'm... I'm just looking after him".  His mom placed her hands tenderly on his cheeks, looking him in the eyes as she seriously told him.  "Mark, you're a terrible liar. I saw the way you two look at each other. But honey, you can't keep him. He's not human and he's not a pet. You're going to have to let him go when the time comes. Do you understand"?  Mark stepped back out of her hands, mumbling back solemnly.  "I know that".  His mom's eyes narrowed on him as she replied just as seriously.  "Do you? You can't save a fallen angel by letting him fall for you".

Mark's head was starting to hurt again.  Rubbing his temples, Mark winced, before telling his mom softly.  "You don't have to worry. No one has fallen for anyone".  Mark clenched his jaw tightly.  His headache was starting to pound against his skull and his chest felt like he had been beaten with a bag of rocks.  His mom approached him, asking a little worried.  "Honey, are you alright? You look a little pale".  Mark took another step back away from her, shaking off the pain to reassure her.  "It was just the long drive. I think my eyes are tired. I'm going to lay down for a while. I'll see you in the morning, mom".  Mark leaned in to kiss her cheek and she hugged him back tensely.  He could tell she knew he was lying about something.  Letting her go to drop down onto the couch, his mom told him flatly.  "I'm going to get you some aspirin. Just in case". 

Mark nodded, laying back across the couch to cover his eyes.  Why wasn't this feeling going away?  Was he coming down with something?  Had being around Sean given him some kind of new virus?  His headache was bad, but the pain in his chest... that was the worst.  He just felt so light-headed.  Rolling over on the couch, Mark forced himself to go to sleep.  He must have dozed off for a bit, because when he opened his eyes the room was dark.  His mom had turned off the lights at some point.  Mark groaned softly.  He couldn't lay on his chest. It hurt too badly.  So, he shifted to lay across his back... but his head wanted to sink into the pillow.  His hands began to shake and he wanted to lash out.  Why couldn't he just sleep?!  His whole body felt tense and bruised. 

Turning over to lay on his side, he jerked back against the back of the couch.  Sean was standing in the dark hallway.  Slowly, Sean moved closer.  The light streaming in from between the closed curtains glimmering off his beautiful white wings.  Sean's face was heartbreaking.  He looked haunted.  Scared of something.  Kneeing down beside the couch, Sean placed a hand on his arm and the pain vanished.  Mark chuckled softly, whispering to him to break the weird mood.  "I thought you said you couldn't heal people"?  Sean's face was still grim as he answered sadly.  "I can't. My touch simply takes away all pains and fears".  Mark sat up slowly and Sean reluctantly removed his hand at the sight of his curious but accusing face.  Mark's eyes narrowed in on Sean.  Fear was setting in as he asked very softly.  "That night. You weren't just caught in the storm. You were coming for me, weren't you"? 

A single tear fell from Sean's eye, when he answered in a wispy whisper.  "Yes".  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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