Part 14

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Sean thrashed against the shackles calling out at the top of his lungs.  "ANTI"!  He needed to break these chains.  He wanted to hold Mark in his arms.  He was loosing him.  Without a soul, Mark's body was an empty shell that would rot away.  He had to get Mark to a hospital.  They'd put him on life support, until he could deal with Anti.  Anti jogged around the corner dripping in fresh blood, but he stopped in the doorway.  Taking in the scene, Anti simply shrugged carelessly.  Sean's heart was breaking.  Anti was heartless.  He didn't care... Anti wasn't going to save him.  He'd have to do it.  Feeling an overwhelming surge to save Mark with whatever he had left in him, Sean gripped the chains tightly and yanked with everything he had.  Yelling out from the massive strain, he barely caught sight of Anti clutching his chest and collapsing to the floor. 

Sean tilted his head back as a light burst out from his chest and shattered the chains into dust.  His wings shot out wide to their full extension and Sean felt his feet leave the floor as his feathers grew out.  He stared at his glowing wings in perplexed shock.  How had he managed to do this?  He didn't even know that he could do this.  Slowly lowering back to the floor, Anti sat up with a bitter moan.  His own leathery wings had vanished and he looked weaker.  Had he managed to take back all the energy that Anti had taken from him?  Dropping down to his knees, Sean sat Mark up in his arms.  Mark wasn't breathing.  Sean wrapped his wings around Mark... but it wasn't working.  He couldn't reap him.  All he had was cradle Mark's lifeless body.  His life and soul were gone.  Turning soft eyes on Anti, Sean pleaded out to him on the verge of tears.  "Anti, please! Give him back to me"! 

Anti staggered to his feet, snapping back bitterly.  "Why should I"?!  Sean held Mark's body tightly, pleading desperately.  "Anti, please! His soul means nothing to you"!  Anti brushed off the dirt from his clothes, stating firmly.  "You're right. His soul means nothing. I can't use it. However, I can trade it away. Are you willing to make a trade for it"?  Sean's heart felt like it was being twisted apart.  He knew exactly what Anti wanted... but he couldn't give him his power. Anti would force millions to suffer.  As much as he loved Mark... He couldn't give up his power to save him.  He was worth it... but neither of them could live with that knowledge.  That was also assuming Anti left them alone once he had what he wanted.  Tears started to fall from Sean's eyes as he told Anti reluctantly.  "I can't do that". 

Anti scoffed loudly, snapping back loudly.  "You're so weak! Did you not see what these mortals were going to do to you! And yet, you still defend them?! They are pathetic! Does that creature in your arms mean so little to you? Is he not worth it? Do you not love him"?  Sean lifted Mark's body as he climbed to his feet, telling Anti seriously.  "I do love him... and it is because I love him that I won't buy his life with the suffering of others. If I can't have what I love, Anti... Then I am going to make damn sure that you don't get what you love either. My power will NEVER be yours".  Anti moved closer, sneering out with a wicked grin.  "Is that so? Keep this in mind, Sean. I still own his soul. I'll shred it every hour that you don't give me what I want. By the time you change your mind... There maybe nothing left of him. He'll be my personal play thing to butcher as I see fit. Can you live with that? Knowing that you could've saved him from my torture... but you refused. And you call ME heartless". 

Sean let Anti see the tears run down his cheeks, stating in a quivering voice.  "I hope he'll forgive me one day... but I'll NEVER forgive you".  Anti shook his head in disappointment, muttering out.  "I told you. You haven't seen the last of me, Sean. I will make you suffer".  Sean didn't wait anymore.  He extended his wings and took off with Mark's body in his arms.  When Sean landed in Mark's backyard, he glanced at the pool and felt a stab of pain.  The satellite dish he had hit was still sitting by the back door, when Bob called out to people in the house.  "It's Sean"!  Mark's mother and Wade appeared in the glass back door, before racing out to take Mark out of his arms.  His mother was riddled with grief, but he told them to rush him to the hospital.  They raced off with Mark's body... Leaving Sean alone in the backyard. 

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