Part 5

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Mark parked alongside the crib out front of the large church.  Pointing to the building Mark swallowed a bit distressed as he told Sean.  "This is it. I'll walk you in".  Stepping out into the rain, Mark opened the door for Sean to climb out.  While Sean adjusted the blanket over his wings and looked at the large church, Mark commented wearily.  "Just so you know, Sean. I'm not a religious man. I know I probably should be now... but...".  Mark couldn't finish.  Churches always made him feel uneasily.  Sean's eyes were still on the decorations along the church when he answered him sweetly.  "Whether you believe or not is your choice. That's why it's called free will. It's not a sin to be uncertain. Besides, I know you haven't set foot in a church since he died". 

Mark froze after locking his car.  He wasn't sure he had heard Sean right in the rain.  Hesitantly, moving to stand next to Sean, Mark curiously asked.  "Since who died"?  Sean's eyes finally turned away from the church to look him in the eyes as he simply replied.  "You're dad. This was the same church, right? I remember it. I was there for the funeral. You're dad was so worried about you".  Sean turned away and began to walk toward the church.  Mark's heart felt suddenly heavy.  Sean saw his dad?!  Mark snatched Sean's arm before he got to far, his finger's digging into the elbow of his good arm.  He had so much he wanted to ask now about his dad... but was it the right thing to even ask about?  Should he even try?  His throat felt tight, but he forced himself to ask.  "Why was he worried about me"? 

Sean's voice was calm and comforting when he answered.  "You were so busy being strong for your mom and your brother. You just didn't let yourself feel it. He wasn't sure if you were going to be alright. So, he lingered to watch over you".  Mark couldn't look at Sean.  He could feel the tears brimming his eyes and was thankful that the rain hide them.  Even though, his sorrow could be heard in his strained voice when he asked.  "Is he here now"?  Sean's voice turned softer when he answered.  "No. He decided to leave the day you started playing 'Homeworld' at your mom's house. He said... that was the moment he knew you were going to be alright".  Mark let go of Sean and turned away to take deep breaths.  He didn't want to cry, but he couldn't stop if he wanted to.  As silent tears mixed with the falling rain, Sean told him tenderly.  "He did tell me to tell you something if I ever got the chance". 

Mark couldn't turn around or even ask, so he just waited.  After a short pause, Sean told Mark cheerfully.  "He wanted you to know that he is proud of you".  Mark chuckled softly and had to lean over to catch his breath.  He had always wondered if his dad would be proud of him.  Of everything he had become and done with his life.  To finally hear it brought him a peace of mind that he never thought he would get in this life time.  As Mark straightened back up, Sean's good arm wrapped around his shoulders to hold him in a comforting embrace.  The embrace felt so soothing.  It took all the pain and the worries away.  Mark felt better.  Behind him, Sean whispered to him.  "He's happy and he wants you to be".  Mark placed a hand over Sean's hand and smiled, simply answering.  "Thank you, Sean". 

Turning around, Sean smiled at him before turning to look at the church.  Mark patted Sean's good shoulder, telling him happily.  "Let's get you inside".  Mark lead the way into the large church doors.  Sean slowed down once inside to admired the large white statues of angels in the corners.  One had and angel spearing a serpent.  Another was an angel holding the body of a man with a thorny crown.  While the last two where just plain statues of angels with their wings spread high behind them with hands folded in prayer.  Mark took Sean's hand and carefully lead him farther in between the rows of wooden seats.  Sean glanced up at the ceiling and stopped.  Mark felt Sean's hand jerk out of his grip and turned around.  Following Sean's gaze to the ceiling where a mural painting was of man extending a hand toward an older man. 

Mark chuckled, when a new voice asked them from across the way.  "Quite beautiful, isn't it? Of course it is not the original mural, but it does help us remember to always look to god for answers".  Mark felt suddenly nervous.  His plan had been to drop Sean off here... but now he was having second thoughts.  Maybe Bob and Wade were right.  Maybe this was a mistake?  The priest walked closer toward them, asking curiously.  "Is there something I can help you with"?  Mark opened his mouth but nothing was coming out.  His mind was at war with his heart all of a sudden.  Sean turned his attention to the priest, asking him curiously.  "You offer sanctuary"?  The priest blinked in confusion, before he eyed the two of them as he answered.  "That would depend on what you are running from"?  Mark cleared his throat awkwardly to quickly answer.  "We are not running from anything. We just want to know if the church can protect... religious finds".

The priest's expression brightened with amusement, when he asked.  "If it is indeed a religious find. Than the safest place for it is with the Vatican with his holiness. May I see it"?  A nervous chuckle left Mark when he replied anxiously.  "Ya... before that... Just a quick question, father? Um, how strong would you say your faith is"?  The priest straightened up to his full height like that was an insult, but before he could utter a single word, Sean let the blanket fall from his shoulders.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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