Part 8

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Back in the car, Mark started to drive and think about where he should go.  He couldn't risk going back home.  He couldn't risk going near the church... Where could he take Sean?  With those wings, he stood out too much.  Glancing back into the rearview mirror, he saw Sean trying to fight off sleep.  Sean's eyes kept falling, but he'd shake his head to stay awake.  A smile pulled at Mark's lips.  He knew one place he might be safe for a bit.  It would be a long drive, but if didn't stop... he could make it.  Mark drove long into the night.  Only stopping for snacks and gas.  He was determined to get Sean there as quickly as he could.  On the last gas stop, Mark reluctantly bought a box of cookies for Sean.  He had refused the last few stops... but they were out of granola bars and any good sandwiches were gone.  Slipping into the driver seat, Mark glanced into the backseat and grinned.

Sean was sleeping across the seats with his wings folded over him like a feathery blanket.  The poor guy was exhausted.  Mark set the cookies in the passenger seat and continued to drive on.  Sean must have used up too much of his energy.  Pulling into the driveway a little while later, Mark climbed out and knocked on the front door.  The lights were on inside, but there was always the chance that his mom had fallen asleep with them on.  It took a few texts to tell her he was out front before she opened the door and hugged him.  He apologized for arriving so late, but she didn't seem to mind at all.  She was just happy to see him.  She tried to usher him inside and that's when he simply told her that he had brought someone with him.  His mom gave him a wide eyed stare and she covered her mouth excitedly.  Quickly before she said a word he told her.  "No. It's not like that. He's a special friend... but not like that". 

His mom lowered her hands and pouted as she stated playfully.  "When are you going to bring a special girl home, huh? Are you going to make me wait forever"?  Mark rolled his eyes, heading back toward the car as he told her over his shoulder.  "There's always Thomas".  His mom blew him a raspberry and Mark chuckled to himself.  She never let it go.  She wanted both her sons to have grandkids.  Opening the car door, Mark heard his mother ask from the doorway.  "What's with all the feathers? Please tell me that you didn't bring an animal home. I've got so many already. You'll turn me into the neighborhood pet store"!  Mark carefully pulled Sean out of the car and turned around.  His mothers eyes grew wide and she dropped her house keys with a loud 'SHINK'.  Mark carried Sean to the door, telling his mom seriously.  "Mom, I need your help. He's hurt and I don't know where else to take him". 

His mom approached him, reaching out to carefully inspect his wings as she asked softly.  "Is he real? Mark... Are you pulling my leg"?  Mark chuckled, telling her honestly.  "I'm afraid I'm not. He crashed into my satellite dish. His wing and arm are broken. I tried to set them... but I thought you should have a look".  His mom nodded as her fingers skimmed over the place where Sean's wings meant his back.  Then she looked up, glancing around the yard, before waving him inside.  In a hushed voice his mother told him.  "Bring him in. Quickly, before someone sees".  Mark carried Sean into the living room, before telling his mom apprehensively.  "I tried to take him to the church and they got a little forceful. I can't take him home because... Well, it's a long story".  His mom gestured to the floor, telling him cautiously.  "Lay him there. I can look at his arm... but I'm not sure I can do anything for his wing". 

Mark gently laid Sean across the floor, very carefully raising up his hurt arm a little bit for his mom to see.  She tentatively moved her fingers along his arm, until Sean jerked up with a sharp yelp!  Sean's wing even shot up like it would shove them away!  Mark let go of Sean's arm and stroked a hand through his hair as he pushed him back down, telling him soothingly.  "It's aright. She's just looking at it. She can fix it".  Sean's eyes darted from Mark to his mother, before he calmed back down.  Sean's wing slowly folded back up as Mark's mom, told them softly.  "It's a break. He needs a brace. Lucky for him, I had boys".  Mark rolled his eyes again as she made her way quickly down the hall.  Mark found himself stroking Sean's arm comfortingly and turned to see if Sean liked it.  Sean wasn't looking at him, but looked calm.

Sean was breathing steady and his eyes kept drifting close like he was still half asleep.  Stroking a hand through Sean's green bangs, Mark told him comfortingly.  "You alright"?  A sleepy smile spread across Sean's lips as he answered warmly.  "I am. I trust you".  Mark chuckled nervously, stating hesitantly.  "You won't say that when I let her hurt you".  The smile didn't leave Sean's face.  It just got brighter, when he told Mark sweetly.  "I'd still trust you. You've looked after me so far".  Mark bit his lip, before sweetly saying.  "I'm trying my best".  Sean chuckled, his bright blue eyes staring up at him as he answered.  "That's all I could hope for. I'm not used to anyone showing me any real... affection. Everyone is usually scared of me. Even among other angels, my kind are shunned. Like being around us will kill them".  Sean's eyes moved away and his smile faded. 

Mark licked his dry lips, telling Sean genuinely sweet.  "I'm not afraid of you".  Sean's eyes moved back to his and Mark's heart started to race.  Why did Sean's eyes have to be so blue?  Why did his heart ache to look at him?  Was his beauty that overwhelming to the human senses?  Mark didn't want to look away.  He couldn't.  Sean slowly began to sit up and Mark felt frozen.  He wanted Sean closer... but wasn't sure if he should feel that way.  What was Sean doing?  Sean leaned in so slowly that Mark felt like his heart had stopped working.  Sean closed his eyes and their lips touched.  Mark's heart thumped so loudly in his ears that he thought the world had gone silent.  Time just seemed to freeze.  Sean's lips were so soft and tender.  Innocent.  Was this Sean's first kiss?  Mark's hand cupped Sean's cheek, coaxing him to stay in the kiss.  That he was doing it right. 

When Sean finally pulled away, he blushed a deep red and muttered out shyly.  "I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that. I couldn't control it".  Mark bit his lip, answering breathlessly.  "Me too".  Someone softly cleared their throat and both Sean and Mark jumped in surprise.  Mark's mother stood in the doorway, holding the arm brace up, she told them a little embarrassed.  "I found one".  Sean laid back down, hiding his blushing face.  While Mark bit his lip guiltily and wondered uneasily at how much his mother had heard or seen.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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