Part 6

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Mark saw the priests sudden widening eyes and turned to look at Sean.  Mark's own eyes widened at the beautiful sight.  Sean's good wing slowly unfolded, spreading out high behind him.  His wings were much larger than Mark had thought they were and the lights from the golden chandeliers above appeared to make the clean white feathers shimmer with flecks of bright silver.  Even his pale skin seemed to admit a faint glow.  The look of him left Mark speechless.  If only his other wing wasn't broken.  Mark could just imagine the beauty of seeing him strong and healthy.  For such a skinny looking guy, his wings made him look so beautiful and fierce.  The priest cautiously moved closer to stand by Mark, saying more collected and unimpressed.  "Very clever, boys. But this is not a place for pranks and jokes". 

Mark scoffed loudly, snapping back a bit sternly.  "This isn't a joke. He's real. See for yourself".  The priest gestured to the missing wing, asking only a little amused.  "A costume malfunction, I assume"?  Sean curled his wing back behind him, telling the priest sadly.  "It's broken. I can't extend it. It needs time to heal".  The priest skeptically nodded, saying sarcastically.  "Of course. Playing the fallen angel bit. Gentlemen, I get this type of blasphemy at least twice a year. It's not funny and to lie is a sin".  Mark gawked at the priest, gesturing toward Sean as he answered quickly.  "Go look at his wings! They are not fake"!  The priest put a hand on Mark's shoulder as he calmly stated.  "My son, I'm sorry. You two are going to have to leave now".  Sean drew the priests attention back by asking aloud.  "You don't believe me"? 

The priest removed his hand from Mark's shoulder to point toward the angel statue that was spearing a serpent, when he answered.  "The bible mentions very few angels. The greatest being Michael.  The arch-angel who fought the fallen angel Lucifer.  Sending him into the pits of hell.  Angels fight off the most dangerous of Lucifer's demons.  The rest is left for us to overcome. We overcome them by cleansing ourselves of sin. You, my son, are no angel. Arch-angels are gods fiercest warriors. You look nothing like one".  Mark saw the hurt in Sean's eyes.  The priests words had cut him deeply.  Sean turned away slightly to look down at his good arm.  The tattoo on Sean's arm stood out in thick black ink.  It appeared to be a weird looking 'Y'.  It just had an extra point in the center.  It seemed to cause Sean some kind of mental pain. 

The priest didn't let up on Sean either.  He pointed an accusing finger at Sean's arm, snapping out.  "Just look at yourself! You have tainted your body, gods temple, with ink! No angel would be so unclean. Even your dyed hair suggests you are lying. Now I'm asking you to leave this holy place at once"!  Mark strained his eyes to see Sean's face better.  Sean was... crying?  Mark raised a quick hand to the priest, defensively saying.  "Alright! We are leaving! We came to the wrong place".  Mark didn't want the priest to snap at Sean anymore.  Turning back to Sean, Mark froze in uneasiness.  His instincts were telling him NOT to approach Sean.  Sean opened his eyes, revealing that they had turned to a blazing white.  Mark felt compelled to move to his left as much as he was able.  Silent tears were running down Sean's cheeks, but his muscles looked tense and defensive. 

Sean's good arm suddenly jerked out and Mark had to do a double take.  The tattoo had sprang off his arm and had grown into a large black and gold trident!  Before the priest could utter a single word, Sean twirled his trident around in his hand to point the sharp prongs at the priests throat.  For the first time, Mark actually felt a genuine fear of Sean.  Sean's voice could be heard from every corner of the large church and all around Mark as if was talking directly to him.  Yet, Sean was just addressing the priest with a pained and aggressive voice.  "You shouldn't talk to me like that! Back home MY brothers are the fiercest Angels! We've been on earth more than those glorified peacocks have been! How DARE you judge me! You think I choose this"?!  Mark licked his lips and fought off his fear.  He had to do something, before someone got hurt. 

Cautiously, Mark reached out to place a hand on Sean's.  Sean didn't even seem to notice him.  Sean's blazing eyes were locked on the priests terrified ones as more tears streamed down his cheeks.  Gently, Mark pushed Sean's hand down to lower Sean's trident, while he sweetly told him.  "Sean? He didn't know. It's ok".  Sean's eyes dimmed back to a soft blue.  His hand shook slightly, but his trident faded away in his hand.  Mark took Sean's now empty hand, leaning in close to whisper more comfortingly.  "I was wrong. It's not safe here. Let's go home"?  Sean just nodded, but as they turned to leave, the priest called out desperately.  "NO! Wait a minute! I must speak with him! Sean, was it"?  Sean looked back at the priest and Mark's grip on Sean's hand tightened anxiously. 

The priest chuckled softly, extending out his hands toward Sean's chest as he pleaded out quickly.  "My deepest apologizes! Please forgive me? I didn't know! You can't possibly imagine the humans that try to trick and deceive others. Please stay awhile? You want sanctuary? I can give you that! Come with me"!  The priest reached to take Sean's hand from Mark, but Mark pulled Sean back a bit more roughly than he had intended.  Sean gave Mark a worried look as Mark told the priest.  "No thanks. We learned what we needed to know".  The priest shot Mark a sharp glare, answering a bit spitefully.  "No, thank YOU. You delivered him to the house of god and now he is in the safest care. Your services are no longer required".  Mark began to push Sean behind him, coaxing him to walk backward toward the doors.  Shaking his head, Mark answered bluntly.  "I don't think so". 

Sean stopped moving and Mark glanced back to see that two other priests had moved to block the doors.  The priest extended his hand toward Sean, saying in a sickly sweet voice.  "Why are you afraid? You are safe here. I assure you".  Sean pulled Mark back behind him, glancing between the men at the door and the priest as he said firmly.  "I am not afraid of the likes of you. My concern is what you're planning to do to Mark to keep me a secret. I won't allow that".  The priests looked at each other with shocked expressions for a brief moment.  Mark had to admit he didn't know Sean could read minds... but there was a lot he didn't know about Sean.  The priest moved closer, tenderly saying in a much nicer voice.  "You will come with us, Angel. Don't worry about your friend".  Sean sighed heavily, telling the priest.  "You don't know who you are threatening". 

One of the priests by the door chimed out innocently.  "You're wounded. You're alone. Why should we fear you"?  Sean straightened up to his full height, letting his good wing extend out in a menacing way as answered in a stone cold voice.  "Because I am an Angel of Death".  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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