Part 13

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Sean slowly awoke and as his mind recalled the last thing he remembered, he jerked.  Only to realize that he couldn't go anywhere.  So, he relaxed to take in the room.  He was shackled upright in the center of a dark stony room that smelled damp.  A dungeon?  Did they even still have those anymore?  He couldn't keep track of the passing mortal home improvements.  Glancing over his shoulder, he extended a wing out and let out a distressed cry.  They had clipped his wings.  That was almost worse than breaking his wing.  Mark didn't have time to wait for him to heal... Let alone wait for his flight feathers to grow back.  Letting his wings drop across the dirty floor, Sean shook his head in defeat.  Then jerked his head back up, when a man told him tenderly.  "Angel? My deepest apologizes for the treatment. However, I hope you will come to understand that we are trying to protect you". 

Sean's eyes narrowed in sharply on the man, bitterly answering.  "Is that what you call this? You've clipped me"!  The man stepped closer to the iron bars, stating simply.  "I am sorry, but we have questions and you have answers. We didn't want you to leave without answering a few. When we are finished. We will let you go. You understand"?  Sean tugged against the iron restraints holding his arms out as he sneered back sourly.  "Words spoken through iron bars don't mean anything. Don't pretend to call me anything other than your prisoner. Otherwise, why would I be shackled like this"?  The man hugged a bible to his chest, smugly answering.  "I know all about the wraith of Angels. I am not a fool. My underlings tell me that you are an Angel of death. I find that quite amusing. So, tell me... Do you follow the ways of Lucifer"?  Sean blinked in confusion, before saying bluntly.  "I've never heard of him".  The man chuckled softly, telling someone that Sean couldn't see.  "See? He's not an Angel of death. Only demons work for Lucifer". 

An unseen man uttered back sourly.  "But your eminence, he bares a black trident on his arm. The devils pitchfork. Is it possible that Lucifer has corrupted him? We should still take caution".  Sean sighed heavily and rolled his eyes.  Now he got it.  They had taken him to the Pope. He had heard about this guy over the centuries.  The iron doors clanged as they opened and the Pope slowly walked in with two other men right behind him in red robes.  The Pope gave one his book and took something from the other.  Then flicked sprinkles of water on Sean's face as he muttered a prayer in latin. This felt silly. What were they trying to do? Torture him with a bath?  When the Pope finished his prayer, he stepped closer to look Sean directly in the eyes as he asked seriously.  "Tell me Angel. Can you grant miracles like the holy book says? Is there a way to ensure ones way into heaven? Or even better... A way to cheat death"? 

Sean straightened up and tried to step back, when he answered in a low unsettled voice.  "No. That is not how life works".  The Pope suddenly lost his calm demeanor as he snapped back.  "Don't give me that shite! When YOU yourself are immortal and a messenger of God"!  Sean tugged against the shackles yelling back.  "What? I was made before human kind to serve the balance! Not grant wishes and tamper with the system"!  The Pope turned to face him quickly and struck Sean across the face.  Sean's vision blurred for a second and his cheek burned, but he told him defiantly in an undertone.  "You're making a big mistake. Keeping me here will bring Anti... and he will not be as kind you. Now let me go". 

The Pope leaned in to bitterly snap into his ear.  "You will give me what I want. Or I will bring out tools we haven't used in a few ages. I'll start by cutting off your precious wings. Now tell me. Can you bless me with eternal life. So that I may spread peace and love to everyone in God's name"?  Sean shot the Pope a stern glare out of the corner of his eyes as he growled back.  "I've heard all about the ways YOUR people spread love and peace. Torturing and mutilating innocents in your God's name. Even if I had the power you seek... I'd die before giving it to the likes of you".  The Pope's eyes glared back into his as he stated boldly.  "Than I deem you are not an Angel, but a demon in disguise. For no Angel would deny the holy wishes of the Pope. I am as close to God as man gets. My word is law. My power eternal"!  Sean rolled his shoulders stating loudly.  "Only on Earth. When you die... You're common. No one rules over another. I walk alongside my Makers. I don't bow before them unless I do it out of respect"! 

The Pope's eyes grew wide and he stepped back, muttering scarcely as he crossed himself.  "My god. He is a heretic! A devil! It is our holy right to destroy it before he corrupts our whole church"!  They quickly raced out the door and Sean sighed heavily.  He was starting to feel sick.  His power was draining away... Anti was coming.  When the Pope returned he pointed toward Sean, snapping out.  "We need to punish this devil! Through this treatment we shall save his corrupted soul. For Lucifer has turned one of Gods holy beings".  Sean lifted his head feeling exhausted.  He was only standing upright because of the tight shackles on his wrists.  A man wearing all black walked carefully into the room holding blazing red hot iron shears.  Sean raised his head letting the fear sink in.  They were going to cut off his wings. 

The man walked behind Sean and raised the shears high.  Sean let out a soft whine and closed his eyes tightly.  There was no coming back from this.  Without his wings, Anti wins.  Anti will drain what is left of his strength. It will all be over.  Suddenly, there was a high pitched giggle that Sean recognized.  Opening his eyes, he felt his heart skip.  Anti was standing before him tilting his head with a bright twisted smile.  The Pope and the man in black gasped as Anti told Sean giddily.  "Having fun without me, I see. No fair, Sean. I'm the only one allowed to hurt you".  Sean gave Anti a weak chuckle as he told him.  "Is it sad to say that I'm actually happy to see you"?  Anti waved a dismissive hand, grumbling out.  "Don't say anything that you'll regret".  Anti disappeared and reappeared as the man in black tried to quickly lower the shears on Sean.

Anti grabbed the burning shears in his hand to keep them from touching Sean as he growled back menacingly.  "I can't let you do that! You maim him and you maim me... and I like my new wings"!  The man in black released the shears and started to run for the door, when Anti flung the shears effortless into the mans back.  Moving around Sean, Anti yanked the still burning shears from the mans back and asked Sean without looking at him.  "Now... Who hit you? Was it him"?  Anti pointed the shears at the Pope and he ran in terror.  Anti gave Sean a brief smile before dashing after him.  Sean's main focus though was on Mark.  Mark didn't look so good.  He looked as bad as he felt.  Sean couldn't believe he was here.  How did he manage to convince Anti to take him?  Mark stiffly approached him and wrapped his arms around his neck, asking.  "Are you alright"? 

Sean nodded, quickly asking Mark.  "How did you get Anti to take you here? You should be at the hospital"!  Mark stayed close, whispering lovingly to him.  "It doesn't matter. I needed to know you were alright. I've gotten attached to having you around".  Sean leaned his cheek against Mark's, whispering back reluctantly.  "Mark you shouldn't have come here. I can't fly and without that I can't reap you".  Mark held him tighter, whispering fiercely.  "I don't care. As long as I'm with you I can endure anything. I even gave up my soul for you".  Sean jerked back, asking horrified.  "You what"?!  Mark rested his hands on Sean's chest, saying softly.  "It's alright. I can't die until you reap me, remember"? 

Sean began to tug against his shackles as he rushed out.  "How long ago did you give it to him?! Mark, without a soul I can't reap you at all! Your soul is your very life! Like me Anti is slowly draining it from you! When he takes the last of it, you will be lost in a coma! I'll loose you"!  Mark leaned in suddenly to place a gentle kiss to Sean's lips, before falling to his knees and then across the floor unconscious.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

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