Part 11

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Mark didn't recall going back to sleep, but he woke up to the dawn in his own bed.  Sitting up, he looked around the room for Sean, but he was alone.  He could hear pots rattling in the kitchen and stiffly made his way to the kitchen.  Last night was still fresh in his mind and he was still having trouble cooping with it.  Sean had told him and his mom that Anti was an angel of darkness.  So, light would keep him away for now... but that wasn't what bothered him the most.  He felt between worlds.  He was suppose to be dead, but was alive.  When Sean healed... He'd have to leave.  Leaning against the wall by the kitchen, Mark watched his mom quickly making breakfast.  She didn't seem to have slept very well either.  Although, she didn't let it stop her from enjoying herself as she hummed away. 

Turning his eyes to the living room, he got a little worried.  Sean wasn't here either.  Straightening up, he approached his mom asking anxiously.  "Hey, Mom? Have you seen, Sean"?  His mom froze as she thought for a moment, then pointed her wooden spoon toward the backdoor, answering casually.  "He's outside with the dogs. Why"?  Mark made his way over to the glass door.  His heart was pounding with worry.  Sean wouldn't just leave without saying 'goodbye', would he?  Stopping to stare out the door, Mark sighed in relief.  Sean was petting their large dog, Lucy, while throwing a ball for their smaller dog, Maggie.  The dogs really seemed to love him.  Suddenly, Sean stood up and Mark's heart swelled.  Sean's body seemed to glow in the light.  As Sean stretched, Mark couldn't take his eyes of Sean's wings.  They were so bright white that they were almost blinding and they extended so far. 

Mark bit his lip hard.  Sean was able to extend his injured wing out pretty far now.  Not all the way... but enough that it made Mark very nervous.  He was healing pretty fast.  A lot faster than he wanted... but to see him like this was worth it.  Sean looked so good shirtless and in his blue jeans.  Sean began to race across the yard as Maggie chased after him and Mark smiled.  His mom broke his train of thought as she stated suddenly right next to him.  "Oh no. You got it bad".  Mark shifted nervously in place, asking uneasily.  "What"?  His mom pointed her spoon at his face, answering calmly.  "You love him. It's written all over your face".  Mark quickly scooted around her and headed into the kitchen, trying to sound calm and distracted with anything else as he answered.  "I am not. I'm just worried about him. You saw that demon last night". 

His mom crossed her arms and leaned a hip against the counter, telling him firmly.  "Mark Edward Fischbach. Look at me".  Reluctantly, he stopped cutting up the vegetables she had on the cutting board and looked up to meet her eyes.  She only used his full name when she was either really mad or really concerned about something.  She extended a hand to touch one of his, telling him in a low soft voice.  "You're not going to kill yourself for him are you"?  Mark yanked his hand out from under hers and went back to chopping as he mumbled out solemnly.  "Mom, You know I would never do that".  She moved around the counter and gently grabbed his arm to stop him.  Her voice dropping even lower as she asked him bluntly.  "Mark... You haven't hidden things from me since your father died. I don't know what it is, but you are scaring me". 

Mark swallowed passed the lump forming in his throat.  His voice a bit strained, when he forced himself to answer without looking at her.  "I'm not hiding anything. You clearly can tell that I have feelings for him".  Her fingers turned his chin to make him look at her again, when she asked the one question he didn't want to answer.  "Why is he here"?  Mark just stared into her soft eyes, but couldn't answer.  He didn't have the heart to tell her.  His mom's eyes narrowed in on him, trying to read his expression.  She was too good at reading him.  Pulling away from her, he took a small breath and winced.  Clutching his chest, he started to slowly sink to his knees.  His chest felt tight and he couldn't breathe.  Grabbing the counter for support, his mom rushed forward, grabbing his shoulders as she rushed out.  "Mark?! Baby, what is wrong"?! 

She pulled him closer against her chest, telling him in a steady voice.  "Honey, you gotta calm down. Breathe".  Mark felt his chest begin to burn and had to push his mom away as he rushed for the sink.  Bending over the sink he throw up, but his mom stayed close, rubbing his back.  Gently, she asked him.  "Baby? What have you eaten? Have you eaten"?  Mark groaned and looked up as the door to the back door burst open.  Mark's vision was starting to blur as a the earth seemed to vanish beneath him.  When he opened his eyes, Sean was holding him and whispering very tenderly.  "Mark? Are you with me"?  Mark slowly sat up a little dazed.  His mom was pacing the kitchen and mumbling something he couldn't hear.  Sean rested his head against Mark's shoulder, whispering out to him in a hushed voice.  "You scared me. I thought my touch wasn't working for a minute there". 

Mark leaned against Sean comfortingly.  Sean smelled good today.  Had he taken a bath?  A chuckle broke from him as he thought of Sean bathing in his mothers birdbath outside.  Sean's arms tightened around him and Mark collected himself enough to tell him.  "I'm still here".  Mark's mother stopped in her pacing to tell them a bit sharply.  "I'm taking him to a hospital right now"!  Mark raised a hand to calm his mother, saying softly.  "Mom, we can't. I've got to stay with Sean. We can't leave him here alone".  His mother took his hand, kneeling down in front of him as she seriously told him.  "Mark. He will be safe here. No one knows he is here. But you need to go. I'm not debating this with you"!  Mark looked to Sean for support.  Sean's eyes seemed worried, but he told him reluctantly.  "She's right. You should try going. It could help".

Mark shook his head and grabbed Sean's arm.  What if they put him in surgery?  He could be in the hospital for days!  Didn't Sean say that poor kid only continued to get worse?  He felt safe with Sean.  He didn't want to leave him.  His mom, dragged him away from Sean's side and Sean remained siting on the tile floor.  His wings drooped across the floor and his hand reached out to touch Mark's hand... until his mom pulled him too far away.  Mark wanted to fight, but this was a loosing battle.  His mom would never let him stay. 

At the hospital, the doctors took their time scanning him and running tests.  Then privately broke the news to her... News he already knew.  They recommended surgery.  They started to prep the medications he would have to take before the surgery, when his phone started to ring.  His mother fished his phone from his jeans to give to him in the hospital bed.  Checking the caller ID, he answered the phone.  Bob was calling.  Bob heard him answer and asked a little nervously.  "Hey, Mark? Are you at your mothers house"?  Mark's blood turned a bit icy, when he asked tentatively.  "Why are you asking, Bob"?  Bob sounded rattled, when he answered.  "This guy came to the house earlier today and was asking about you and Sean. We didn't tell him anything... but he seemed to be acting weird. Like he had an idea where you might be. Is something going on? Is Sean alright"? 

Mark jerked up in the hospital bed, ignoring Bob's questions as he yelled out.  "Bob, Was this guy from the church"?  Bob's voice was still uneasy as he answered.  "Ya. He brought this whole group with him in this van... It really freaked us out. Are they after Sean"?  Mark hung up the phone and launched from the bed to grab his clothes.  He had to get to Sean before they did.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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