Chaper Two*

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Chapter Two - Final Exam & Tests And Unexpected Twists And A New Thing


Hey guys I'm here to public the second chapter of this book and thank you for the last chapter and please read and like or love or hate it, it your decision not mine and I will see you at the bottom of the chapter. Bye.....Let's It Begins Chapter Two.

Will you please head over to an other  author that I support in WattPad, that name is #MattGeekT125. Will you please do that.

#Disclaimed I don't own Naruto or anything else that I use in this book.

<At Naruto Class Room>

Naruto is sit down on his chair look at a book about 'All Bloodline Limit And Theories' as everyone in class was quite or talk about something or test.

After few minute later the door open and Master Iruka come in with huge amount of test as he put down the test on his desk, everyone want back to their site and become quite and look at him.

Iruka look up and thought 'Well this is definitely different then before.....They look ready to pass the test or get out of here.....' then clean his throat and said"Well....Today is the day for The Genin Exams." as everyone nod or just claps their hand then quickly quite down.

Then Iruka said"Okay the first test is your writing and knowing about your village and also looking your surrounding to help has 20 questions and you has one hours." then he quick pass out the test in ANBU speed and back to his desk and take out his time-watch to set up for one hour and rises his hand up and look at the clock as the little hard was on 12 then quick put his hand down as everyone start to work on their test.

Naruto look down on his test and see it about basic ninja stuff and improve historical fact of Hidden Leaf.

After ten minutes is over, Naruto and five other people are done and wait for the other to finish.

<40 minutes laters>

After 50 minutes remaining on the clock and Iruka stop his time-watch and said"Okay everyone the first test is done...well done on it.....Okay let's head outside of the school training ground, you can use the window or door or something else to go." then Iruka use his own Body Flicker Techniques to leave as well most of the ninja clan heiress or heirs do their clan Body Flicker Technique, as some no-ninja clan like civil or ninja children are not in a clan use their only speed thing that a lot of ninja force and regular citizens, who has ninja skills but didn't pass the test or don't want to be a ninja and teach their child the technique, use aka Flash Step.

(Author- This isn't the Flash Step of Bleach just a less power version of it)

Some use the door, others use the window and last one is Naruto, or you think is 'Naruto'?

After few seconds later, Naruto body explode into water and it review a Water Shadow Clone, as real Naruto was waiting outside on a tree at School Training Ground.

<Outside Of School, At School Training Ground>

As Naruto is on tree trunk, read his book as Iruka start the second test aka Weapon Test and after few minute, Naruto is up after his name call out and Naruto place a both hand cross on his both pants pocket and wait for Iruka hand come down.....down it want.

As Naruto throw his each hands out forward as left to right and right to left, as six of 12 Ninja Stars come out of his hidden weapons seal on both pants puck that you can not see in normal eyesight.

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