Chapter - Six

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Chapter Six - Began Ninja Career, Multiples D-Ranks & C-Rank Mission

#Disclaimer I don't own Naruto or anything that I have or will use, their are own by their respective owner and companies.

P.S. - Will you please head over to an other  author that I support in WattPad, that name is #MattGeekT125. Will you please do that.


It been two months that Team 7 pass Kakashi test and they become a team,a team that will make The Sannin or Legendary Three Ninja when they were Genin, jealous at them.

As the first thing they do under teach of Kakashi was learn how to become a perfect team so after one hole month, all of them do anything that could make them trust each other and team work out, and other stuff.

Then Kakashi train them hard like work with Sasuke and Sakura with their chakra control or Naruto with his physical body, even with SC or BC, Naruto can only train just like, cause his clone can not give him more physical strength or shape, like they do with anything else, other then Sword Art or Kenjutsu, they couldn't do Taijustu.

So Kakashi work on Naruto with his reaction time, and other stuff that he can't train with animal or himself or clone, but Naruto train with Kakashi in Taijustu (Body Techniques) and also add a second fight style that Naruto need for himself, since his first one aka Thai boxing is very great for his body and how unpredictable he is but his attack or defense are very slow but more power behind Naruto's attack but Kakashi tell that great but what if their a enemy know your style and know how to fight against and countered them, what will he do?

After Naruto learn/train in Guren (Crimson Lotus), this fight style is a very old fighting style that Kakashi found in Land Of Moon, from a merchant, this is a style based around fluid motion and bodily control combined with high-level chakra control and surgical precision, a perfect for Naruto.

This is a style of fighting that puts extensive focus on physical and spiritual balance.

According to Kakashi's rival, Might Guy, this fighting style is comparable to a cross between a Forbidden Taijustu, Hidden Leaf Style Louts Technique and the Hyuga Clan's Gentle Fist, this unusual taijutsu style is a unique style of combat who's practitioners strike erratically, uninhabited, with an explosive fury and without any second thought about their action (cough* Naruto cough*).

So after Kakashi use five week, so Naruto will forget Thai boxing and everything about it. Then train his ass on Crimson Lotus, and Kakashi's hellish training, like having going into unconscious and lot of bleeding, but that good thing, cause Naruto won't feel pain anymore in Hand to Hand combat or any do with Taijustu training, and about what Naruto is train is first thing was his speed, enough to the point, that Naruto can close a considerable distance in second for Mid C-Rank ninja to Mid B-Rank ninja, and under two minute or less for more strong enemies, and this is when Naruto is at apprentice apprentice level, other thing that Naruto work with Kakashi, is also boots his strength to high levels, that a Uzumaki Clan member has, cause Uzumaki bodies are 20x time more harder then regular human, and that for civilian but as for ninja, I don't know what.

After training for his strength on his legs and arms are very powerful and add with Chakra Enhanced Strength/Speed, he unstable, so after one month train of Crimson Lotus, Naruto's was strong enough to keep at bay a mid A-Rank ninja, and that something.

And also his teammate, Sasuke and Sakura, do you know that Kakashi will leave them behind, oh heaven no! Kakashi send a two shadow clone at them after their finish Tree Walking, cause Sasuke and Sakura doesn't have lots of chakra like Naruto, Sasuke for his Uchiha blood and Kekkei Genkai and Sakura for being a female, since female has great chakra control then male and less chakra as well for her family blood, Haruno family has their make less chakra but more control for both, male and female.

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