Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three - The Perliminaries Round Of Chūnin Exam Part Two
#Disclaimer I don't own Naruto or anything that I have or will use in this book or story, their own by their respective owner and companies.

P.S. - Will you please head over to an other  author that I support in WattPad, that name is #MattGeekT125. Will you please do that.

"Will...Kankurō Of Sand And Misumi Tsurugi Of Leaf...Come down here at the battlefield."

After few, Kankurō quick appear with swirl of Sand on the right side of the field, and same thing with Misumi, whose appear swirl of Leaf on the right side of the field.

Hayate look at each male then cough before said"Are both right now?", as Kankurō said"Yeah." with Misumi just nod his head, then Hayate nodded at Cee, who nodded back to him then rise his hand up high and shout out loud "THE THREE ROUND OF CHŪNIN EXAM IS ABOUT TO BEGIN...RIGHT...NOW, FIGHT!"

Then the proctors quick jump away from the field.

"Let me do you a favorite and end this battle quick."said Kankurō, who take out his large oval, which is cover in white rage all around it, and place in the ground, while look at Misumi, to see if he take the first attack.

"You can't end, if I ended first!"said Misumi, who quick dash toward Kankurō with his fist to punch Kankurō face while said"A strike to victories!"

Then Kankurō quick block with his arms as Misumi give off a small smile, then quick his arm start to become stretch and wrap around Kankurō's right arm.

While Misumi's legs quick stretch and wrap around Kankurō's legs to hold him in place, while using his other arms to wrap around Kankurō's neck as Kankurō try to move but couldn't while Misumi quick tight in his grip on Kankurō.

<At The Sidelines>

As Kiba said"Wow what up with that guy's body?"

"Misumi-San...."said Naruto as Misumi look up at him as Naruto said"Could I explain what going on right now?"

Misumi said"What ever you want.", then put quick strength his grip on Kankurō.

As Naruto close his eyes and said"What is Misumi using right is a Hiden Ninjutsu, that called...Nan No Kaizō (Soft Physique Modification)...Originally developed for spying activities or catch enemies, this technique can be done after lots of surgery and actual body modification. Misumi dislocates his joints then controls his softened body with chakra, allowing him to stretch and twist any part of his body at any angle, elongated and even coiling around their opponent. This can also be used to make Miami's body more malleable and snakelike...A very amazing and fascinating technique...but......", Naruto stop talking as the battle start to count again.

<At The Battlefield With Kankurō And Misumi>

After hearing Naruto's explain what Misumi is doing right now.

Misumi quick give wild smile underneath his mask and said"The more you struggle, the grip will become tight I squeeze...I don't know what you carrying in there, but long I have hold you it make no different. I could break your neck right now, if I want too and I will unless you give up the match?!"

As Kankurō just smile and said"Haha, you want to bet on that..."

Then Misumi quick squeeze Kankurō's bone as you could hear them break as he said"You will die!"

"You fool, you're on the one who going to die."said Kankurō as Misumi got made at Kankurō's attitude, then squeeze Kankurō's neck hard as you could heard the loud crack sound.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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