Chapter Seventeen*

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Chapter Seventeen - Two Full Days Of Training, Other Missions And Jouin Meeting And Meet An Crazy Bloody Tanuki And Meeting Of Konoha No Jūichinin

#Disclaimer I don't own Naruto or anything that I have or will use in this book or story, their own by their respective owner and companies.

P.S. - Will you please head over to an other  author that I support in WattPad, that name is #MattGeekT125. Will you please do that.

So it was next morning and Naruto doing his morning run for today and think what to do for two day until his team and himself has a new missions, he could continue working on his new Earth Release technique or work on improving his other technique.

'But what improve....chakra cost...or aim....or hand seal.....mmmm what to do, so many choice.' Thought Naruto as he stop his running and rest on side of the....Konoha's Ninja very convenient.

Then he walks into and show the librarian his necklace with Konoha's symbol as she nod and smile as Naruto walk around and look around for a book then found five book and look around for some more and an book or scroll here and there, then walk toward an table and look throughout the books and scrolls and found nothing new or important cause he know almost every in here.

Naruto stop a second then back track about two page then look at one sentence and read out loud "An person who know ninjutsu can use ninjutsu with less hand seal, but an master is different cause he/she can with one hand seal or one move but only to one ninja aka Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, who can use his Water Release Technique with one hand seal or an single move for his less technique, but that has to have three thing....First - Perfect Chakra Control, Second - Perfect Shape Transformation, Third - Clear/Focus Mind....", then after he done then close his eyes and thought about other books or scrolls about Chakra Control then found something.

As Naruko think about it and whisper 'dammit, being an Jinchūriki...', then place the books and scrolls back and walk out the library and use Leaf Body Flicker Technique and disappear in swirl of leaf.

(Training Ground 24, Three O'clock.)

As swirl of leaf appear then Naruto appear then sign out and say to himself.

"Maybe today, I will improve on my aim for my less technique cause I can't work on other thing cause my begin an Jinchūriki."

Then Naruto quick hand seal and said"Stone Clone Technique", then an rock clone appear in front of him then walk in middle then hand seal and said"Earth Release: Underground Projection Fish Technique", as group of stone clone of Naruto come out from ground and start to rush real Naruto, who jump away with back flip then quick open his mouth and shot out like rifle, a mud-shot at them to destroy about ten of them then quick hand seal and said"Earth Release: Earth and Stone Bamboo Shoot.", and slap his hand down as an circle of earth spike appear and shoot out and trying to hit Stone Clone but Stone Clone has different mind and said"Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall", as earth wall come out around the Stone Clone and protect him from Earth Spike then Naruto quick said"Earth Release: Earth Spear".

As his skin turn into darker and start to fight against the other clone and kill about half then Stone Clone smile then hand seals and whisper "Earth Release: Dubbed Suicide Decapitation Technique", then he disappeared unground but leave an other clone like him on his spot as Naruto quick counties fight then feel some under him then jump upward then said"Earth Release: Fist Rock Technique", then his right hand transformation into rock fist and slam it downward and said"Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique" and break the ground and destroy the Stone Clone, who smile and explosion into mud as Naruto think 'Earth Release: Shadow Clone Technique', then quick turn around and hand seals and slap his left hand onto the ground and said"Earth Release: Earth Flow Mudslide." and push back an group of mud wolf then Naruto hand seals and said"Check Mate, Clone....Earth Release: Earth And Stone Dragon Technique"

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