Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen - Back Home, Iwagakure's Scroll And More Good Or Bad New And Create An New Outfit For Naruto.
#Disclaimer I don't own Naruto or anything that I have or will use in this book or story, their own by their respective owner and companies.

P.S. - Will you please head over to an other  author that I support in WattPad, that name is #MattGeekT125. Will you please do that.

About two day, take to get back to Konoha cause Team 7 to rest up and be proud about their first outside mission in their ninja career.

During their walk about five hours to Konoha, Naruto think about the wave mission then look back to his teacher, Kakashi, who is reading his book and said"Hey, Kakashi-Sensei, what do you think this rank and money about this mission?....Cause I'm just wondering.", as Kakashi stop reading for little bit and look up to his student as they look at him for the answer then continue back on read and answer Naruto's question.

"Mmm, well about the rank of this mission....It will A-rank or S-rank since we complete and save an land and lot of people from Gatō as well fight against an S-Rank Missing Ninja, Zabuza, and his partner, Haku, but that for Hokage-Sama to decide and as for the money well about an A-Rank Mission is one hundred fifty thousand and a million ryō, If is an S-Rank Mission is a million ryō or fifty million ryō....why?"

As Naruto nod his head that he understood the question and say back.

"I am think about to order or create an new outfit for myself since this one has hole and almost broke, that all.", as Kakashi nod his head about Naruto's now outfit is almost destroyed and good idea to get new outfit.

So it been silent for rest of the ninja jump back home.

<Five Hours Later>

So Team 7 arrived to Konoha's and walk towards Hokage's office to report to him.

Arrived at the building and outside of the doorway as Naruto walk into the office and said"Hey, Jiji-Chan, were back from our mission."

As Team 7 come in as Sasuke and Sakura is look at Naruto about his stunt.

The Third Hokage, who is actually doing his paperwork, and look upward and smile with an grandfather's smile and said"Naruto-kun and team seven, welcome back and please report your mission", as Kakashi quick explain everything what happened at Land Of Wave with Naruto add in his explain as well.

As Hiruzen quick take an smoke from his pipe and blow out leaf symbol of smoke and said"Well that is unexpected for an Genin Team but congratulation and nice job on your first ever C-Rank Mission turn into S-Rank Mission and we'll do on hand against Zabuza Momochi and Haku Yuki and Gatō on our only, this is going to place on your career record and here your paycheck for your complete the mission.".

He take out the money for his desk and hand out four million yen ($36,603.12) to Team 7 inside an leather pouch "Okay Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, you can leave and have an break about one week for your mission, as for Naruto and Kakashi please say cause I have something to say."

Then Naruto and Kakashi say goodbye to Sasuke and Sakura as they say same thing as well and left the office.

"Okay, Naruto, will please hand the scroll that Iwagakure's Ninja give you to me." said The Sandaime Hokage to Naruto, as he take out and hand out to him as Hiruzen open and look at it and explain to Naruto and Kakashi about the scroll, the scroll say that Iwagakure's is very grateful working with Konohagakure and hope to work them later and hope they, Team 7, will meet Konoha's Team 7 in the next Chunin Exam, and hope to hear about more about Naruto, this cause Naruto to blush little bit as Kakashi and Hiruzen laugh at him and also say that inside the second scroll is four special Iwagakure's Earth Release Technique that Naruto could only learn and only he could desist to teach anyone else, and hope we will meet him and then later on life.

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