Detective Elliot

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3rd person pov
Roxie and Chester sat in lee’s living room waiting for detective Elliot
to arrive. Neither of them said much, they just sat there in a
comfortable silence. Once detective Elliot arrived he did exactly as
lee said he would do. He started with a statement from Roxie and
one from Chester as well, being that he was a witness shortly after
the event. He took photographs of Roxies injuries, as well as copies
of the messages her father had sent. He explained the chain of
command and the evidence to Roxie again making sure she
understood what would happen in the days or weeks to follow.
Detective Elliot also took a statement from lee since he was the one
who listened to Roxies initial explanation, which was exactly the
same as what was in her statement. The last thing he needed to
collect was a statement from Jessie, since he was the only one to
witness the actual event. Detective Elliot made arrangements to
meet Roxie and Chester back at David and Erica’s house where
Jessie was. Chester and Roxie nodded in agreement and headed out
to the car.

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