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Chester pov
I watched from the kitchen as detective Elliot and my father spoke to
Jessie about the incident yesterday. Jessie was a little scared to talk
to them at first but Roxie was able to get him to warm up to them a
bit. While Elliot continued to speak with Jessie and right out his
statement my father slipped into the kitchen.
Chester I don’t know what your involvement is with that girl, but
you need to proceed with caution he told me. I know you said you
were just friends, but the way you look at her son. Well let’s just say it
shows so much more admiration than friends have for one another.
I’m not trying to be harsh, she seems like a very nice girl. A girl that
has been dealt a very shifty deck of cards. I can see you care for her,
and I get that. But it is my job as a father to remind you that this
could end badly. With her only being 16, her parents could cause you
some serious issues son. I cannot make your decisions for you, nor
do I want to. I just don’t want to see the outcome, if they try to press
charges on you. You don’t exactly have a perfect track record here
son. I have tried to protect you as much as I could, but something’s I
cannot save you from, he said in a loving tone.
Dad, I said. Thank you for helping her. It means a lot to me, I
just hope detective Elliot can do something about this and help keep
her and Jessie out of harm’s way. Dad gave me a pat on the back
and walked back into the living room.
What did he mean I look at her with admiration? Do I really do
that I thought. I guess I have never really noticed myself acting or
behaving strangely towards her before. As I sat back and started to
think about it, I started to realize what he meant. Shit I thought, this
isn’t good. I really need to step back from this situation a bit. I mean
I’m not going to quit being friends with her or quit helping her, but
maybe I should distance myself a little bit just till I figure all of this
out. Figure out what kind of feelings I actually have for her. If my
father is right I could end up in some serious trouble, of course I already knew that. However hearing it from him makes it a little
harder to ignore.

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