Welcome Home

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I opened my eyes to darkness. I saw a dull fire glowing to the side of the room and my eyes got used to the darkness. I pushed myself up and looked down at the soft, smooth sheets that covered me, they were also red. I pulled them off and pushed my feet over the edge of my big, soft bed. I touched the ground with my toes and it was surprisingly not cold, but a warmth radiated up from it. I realized that I was naked and clean. I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and looked up at the big wooden closet at the side of the room. I walked toward it and stroked it happily before opening it with the large black handles twisted into what looked like a screaming lion. The door opened smoothly without the creaking I was half expecting. There were clothes in there, so many beautiful clothes. There were gold armor and satin slippers and jeweled crowns and decorated black veils. Anything I could possibly want to wear was in here.

        I pulled out an outfit and threw my hair up polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=117942749. I wanted to look cute and play around with my design.  The off shoulder thing was a little old for me but it looked cute so it was okay. I giggled when I put on the hat and the pretty black lace wafted in front of my face. When I saw the shoes I pushed away all the heels, I loved them but if I put them on I would be stumbling around and never be able to get anywhere. I put on the loose boots and grinned as I jumped around.

        "You look so cute, darling." I turned around and smiled at the man who had saved me last night. I have no idea how he did not die, nor do I have the faintest clue as to where I was but that did not matter because he was here and he would protect me.

        "Thank you, I have many cute clothes." I beamed up at him and he smoothed back the veil to tenderly kiss me on the forehead. I wrapped my arms around him when he went to pull back and he smiled and picked me up.

        "Wheeeee!" I giggled as he propped me up on his back. He started out of the room and I put my hands on his soft head and rested my chin on them. I grinned happily as I had to duck to not hit my head as we went out of the room to a long hallway. It was also dimly lit so when we headed out into a brightly lit hall, I winced a little. The hall was giant and magnificent. It was decorated with golden embroidery on the walls and there was a large ornate black gold throne on one end with a blood-red carpet leading up to it. My eyes opened wide at the magnificent sight of the giant room and lavish furnishings. Then I saw the people. Or not really people at all but demons some huge and rippling with muscles and others smaller with horns and beckoning smiles. They were also beautiful, even the big ones with glowing red eyes and sharp teeth. They all turned and looked at us before bowing low. I blushed on my father's shoulders at all the wonder that was around me. While I was staring with wide eyes, my father had made it down the carpet to the throne and lifted me off of his shoulders to set me on the throne. I was dwarfed by its large size. The arms of the chair were wide and gold, twisted into beauty. The cushions were red velvet and the back of the seat was tall and intimidating. The crowd roared their approval at my entrance and I blushed happily. My father grinned at me before he turned and lifted his arms high.

        "My family! You are all well aware that this beautiful girl is now my daughter as I have made her and she is the heir to my throne! She will be living here and I expect all of you to treat her as you would a dear friend and family member. She will one day be your leader so teach her well my dear friends. Welcome her home!" At this loud screeching and cries came forth from these demons. Claps and stomps and an uproar surrounded me, echoing off the elaborate walls. It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. These demons were welcoming me home, to a family I had never before had and it was fantastic. I stood and grinned, thrusting my hands up in the air as if I had won a glorious battle. All the more screams as my new father watched me with pride and love. This family was wild and unrestrained and it was all I had ever wanted. The upturned faces welcomed me, invited me, loved me without condition. And I loved them just as much. I let out a wild scream that echoed around and joined the others around me. We were now a family and I will do anything for family.

        There was a celebration after that and music thrummed through the crowds, all moving as one to the driving rhythm. Alcohol spilled from cups as demons jump and twirl. We all meld together and move together, everyone touching everyone as we all laugh and dance. The party lasts for a week straight, an ongoing party of welcome and happiness. When it is all over I collapse on the just cleaned floor and laugh happily, breathing hard and fast. My dad grinned and sat down next to me.

        "Did you have fun, my kitty cat?" I grin and curl up to him as he pets my hair.

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