Warriors and Friends

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(few years later) I reach for the golden designed handle resting on the over-large, extravagant door. As I pushed the door open, sheer fabric fluttered in the wind as I walked through the door and started down the hallway, my heels clicking rhythmically on the hard floor. Everything is so large here with the tall ceilings, wide rooms. It used to make me feel dwarfed when I was younger but now I feel comfortable in the extravagant livings.

I passed a floor to ceiling mirror and observed myself. I was wearing my usual armor. The toughest metal dusted over with a gleaming gold and ruby color offset by my long flowing red hair that fell down in long waves over my body when I was not in battle. I looked away from the mirror as I continued walking and reached my destination. I pushed the door open to see my four closest companions and fiercest warriors lounging comfortably together.

Sabrinya smiled serenely from her spot on the table, her long legs crossed beautifully. Tiny horns poked out of her curly blue hair. She was the picture of beauty and confidence and because of this people underestimate her and they realize that she is as vicious as she is beautiful only when it is far too late. Her purple eyes blazed her happiness at seeing me as her red lips stretch into a welcoming smile. She is the only other serious woman warrior besides me and she has fought beside me for as long as I can remember. She was pushed down like me and disrespected like me. We were laughed at together and bullied together. We won battles and respect together. She fought with me, rebelled against me until she fought for and with me. Having another woman beside me who understands fighting the bloody, nearly impossible battle to claw ourselves to top of the warrior food chain is amazing. We protect each other and love each other.

My eyes shift to Lustwig who grins at me, his charming blue eyes sparkling dangerously as his white blonde hair flips fashionably over his eyes. His eyes have gold and violet flecks in them and he smells like heaven but grins like a sexy demon. He leans onto the table next to Sabrinya, stretching himself in a way that makes women stare. He knows perfectly well his effect on women, and some men, and he uses it to its fullest capabilities. He is a giant flirt and hits on me every day. He does it just for fun and we both know that even as we banter back and forth it is all just a fun game. Our flirtations are purely verbal and are just word games, fun ways to tease each other. My father expects us to marry and we both know that was why my father introduced us so many years ago. Lustwig has become close to me but we try not to think about our future, focusing on our present, as close friends and fellow warriors. He winks at me with a grin and I can't help but smile back.

My eyes travel next to the biggest one in the room. Peter is so big he has to hunch over even with the gigantic ceilings. He ripples with muscles and his hand is bigger than my head. He strikes fear into everyone who sees him. Except for those who know him, that is. It is true, he is frankly quite terrifying in battle but he is actually so adorably innocent that he makes up for his intimidating height and girth. His eyes are green, wide, and warm, brighter than the dark green of his skin. His mouth is smiling from ear to ear as he lifts his giant hand in a hello. The first time I had met him he was being bullied by warriors. Peter was large then too and people were afraid of him. When warriors are afraid, they attack what scares them so it does not seem as if they are weak. Peter was crying big tears. I came up and saw this and the boys who were beating him up turned and laughed at me. I narrowed my eyes at them. They made fun of me for being a girl and said vulgar things to me. I punched the one closest to me and the others came after me but I never backed down, knocking them down one right after the other countless times until they didn't get up again for a long time. At this point I walked over the groaning boys who were no longer laughing and looked up at the boy who was still sniffling. Even though I was looking up to him he still seemed smaller than me because he was hunched over and hurt, giving off a childish aura. I reached up and caressed his cheek. He flinched as I touched him but as he realized I wasn't going to hurt him, he collapsed into me and let out his tears fully. "Shhhh, it's okay, let it out, baby." I cooed to him. He grabbed onto me like a lifeline and I pet his dark hair gently until he calmed down. He looked up and he told me his name. I smiled "I will protect you, Peter. I will always be here. I will always be your friend." I kissed his forehead and he gave me the most beautiful smile that I have ever seen. His lashes were still wet and his eyes blazing. His lips stretched and his teeth gleamed. He beamed up at me and his face glowed. I couldn't breath for a few seconds before I smiled back. He eventually didn't need my protection anymore but he will always have it. I smile at him as he grins back.

A loud laugh had me looking at the last one in the room, Tympan. He was short, round and merry. He has braids in his long, brown hair and beard and he always has alcohol in his cup. He is always fun and happy. I met him at one of the many parties that the underworld loves to host. We were close immediately as we sang together at the top of our voices, our drinks being sloshed around by our pulsing bodies as the group of people around us chanted along with the rocking music. He is one of the best warriors, one of the most respected and he is also a renowned drunkard. He holds up his glass as a toast for me and I grin at him. His eyes are almost always closed. I have no idea when he is sleeping or how he never runs into things but I have never seen him open them. I heard legends that the last time he opened them armies of enemies were wiped out and wept at his feet. He has saved my life many times and I his.

I look around at my closest friends and choice warriors and smile happily. I would have no one else. These are my precious people.

"So, gorgeous, what have we today?" Lustwig asks, sliding an arm around my shoulders, under the weight of my hair as he kisses me on the cheek.

"Morsch." I answer, smiling at him.

(Morsch means Rotten in German)

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