Day One

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  I threw my hair up and twisted it severely into a bun like Maria suggested. Today is the day I meet everyone. I look in the mirror and nod my head at the reflection. A knock at the door made me turn. I saw a beautiful girl opening the door. She looked like a beautiful doll with her white hair falling softly over her back and her white-silver eyes staring at me. There seemed to be a sadness surrounding her but she smiled beautifully at me. 

        "Sorry to barge in on you like that. It's time to go. Do you mind if I borrow one?" She spoke softly and gestured to a hair tie and pins that I used to pin up my hair. It took me a moment to answer but I nodded quickly and she smiled again before wrapping her hair up in a bun. We had matching outfits so we looked alike and as plain as we could. We set out together.

        "Is this your first day too?" she asked me and I blinked at her before nodding. She seemed like she had been here for a while but I guess she was just as new as me. The walls were metal and the people rushed by without looking up at us as we walked by. This place was a maze and I looked over at the girl walking next to me.

        "What is your name?" I asked.

        "Lola." She answered looking shyly up at me. I smile.

        "So how much farther is it?" She blushed furiously and looked down. I blinked as she stopped walking.

        "I-I don't know. I'm terrible at directions and I was hoping you knew." I stared at her with wide eyes for a minute before taking a deep breath and looking around. The halls that had been so full of people earlier were now, of course, empty. I blew a strand of hair unhappily out of my face as I rested my hands on my hips. All of a sudden a man came out of a door, going pretty quickly. He was going so fast he bumped into me without seeing me and we fell to the ground. I looked up into blue eyes. Captain America was above me, blushing slightly. He got off me quickly and held a hand out for me. I took it and just stared at him for a bit while he stutteringly spoke an apology. I blinked and smiled.      

        "It is quite alright." I was staring at him and he blushed more. He looked the exact same as he had in the picture I saw so long ago. I shook my head to focus my thoughts. "Uhm, I'm sorry but we are a bit lost. We need to get to the Command center to meet the rest of the group. Steve widened his eyes and nodded his head saying he would take us there. He set off at a fast pace, saying he was a little late too. He walked straight and tall as he maneuvered through the hallways. We finally arrived at a door that he pushed open. It whooshed open with a mechanical beeping and I stepped inside to see everyone in there. Tony was standing next to Bruce and grinning at something he said while Fury was talking to the woman who recruited me. Natasha and Clint were standing together and talking quietly as Thor stood glaring at his brother, Loki, who was smirking over his crossed arms.

        "Hey guys, sorry we are late!" Steve said and scratched his head bashfully, his shirt stretching across his large biceps. As I looked at the people I had fallen in love with so long ago, my eyes filled with tears.

        "CAP! YOU MADE A GIRL CRY!!" Tony yelled and rushed over to pet my head. I sniffled and wiped my tears, looking down. Steve got extremely flustered and kept on apologizing and only got more agitated as I kept on crying. Thor came over to rub my back as I hiccupped a little.

        "Seriously? This blubbering mid-guardian is seriously a SHEILD agent worthy of being on this ship with me?" I looked up at Loki who was glaring at me. I realized how unprofessional I was being. I straightened up and wiped away my tears.

        "I-I'm sorry, I was just so happy to finally meet you all! I've wanted to for so long so my happiness kinda overflowed a bit. It will be an honor to work with you!" I showed a beaming smile that overflowed with happiness. Everyone blushed a little bit at my complete honesty.

        "Well, don't we have a cute one here!" Tony said, chuckling a little bit.

        "You're just the coffee girl, there is no way you can work with a God such as myself. You work for me." Loki sneered and I beamed up at him and bowed my head.

        "Of course. But refreshing all of you will be my pleasure and I will do my absolute best!" I clenched my fist and grinned as Loki pouted and blushed a little. I turned to Lola and grabbed her hand, pulling her away from Tony who was flustering her. "First I will need to have what you guys like! Any kind of snacks or drinks, anything! Oh, and I will also be handling any computer equipment, weapons, ect. so please give me instructions for that as well. Lastly I will need to know your daily routines so I can match up my actions with yours for your convenience."

        "Oh, you are so serious about your work. What is your name?" Clint came up to me and patted my head, smiling dangerously. I smiled at him.

        "Just call me Kat, everyone does."

        "Oh, so we have a little kitty kat, huh?" Tony came up behind me and hugged me. I was used to such casual touching back at home so it bothered me not even a little and I welcomed the contact.

        "Off!!" Thor flicked Tony really hard on the head and Tony staggered away, clutching unhappily at the bump that had suddenly found a home on his playboy face. Clint laughed loudly and Thor hugged me close and buried his face in my shoulder. "He was too rude to touch you like that!" I arched an eyebrow at him

        "You do realize that you are doing the same thing?" Thor pouted at me.

        "Am not!" Loki growled and pulled Thor back by his cape.

        "Well now, that should be enough of that. Let the poor girl work." Fury said and I jumped a little, spinning around. No one could move like that and not have me notice them. He must be very skilled. I relaxed as I smiled, respect for him mounting. "Welcome. I look forward to working with you, please do your best." He smiled at me and I widened my eyes. He didn't seem like the type to smile and apparently no one else expected him to either because they stared gaping at him. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his arm, hugging him.

        "Yes sir!" I grinned and Natasha laughed. Fury patted me happily and started naming off his schedule and likes. The others followed suit. I listened intently and remembered everything. I was so excited to start tomorrow! I looked over at Lola and grinned. She smiled back.

Today is a great first day!

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