Friends and enemies

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  "I told KAT to apprehend the man, not you."  Fury tilted his head slightly to make sure Loki got the entirety of the anger he could muster with his one good eye. Loki sniffed with disdain as he looked away, unabashed. Thor chuckled and Fury swung around to him, "Oh don't get me started on you! You would have gone to interrupt the mission as well if I hadn't have thrown you in Hulk's room! Does compromising a mission mean anything to ANYONE!?" Fury swung around unhappily, his black coat snapping furiously behind him.  I hid a smile behind my hand.

        "Well, I was just so angry to see that filthy mid-guardian kissing her that I thought I might just teach him a tiny little lesson. And it was just so damned convenient that the doorway out of this filthy ship was so empty of guards who, at the time, were caring for Thor's loud temper tantrum. It was practically begging for me to leave." Loki brushed away some invisible fluff from his jacket and my hand dropped from my mouth as my eyes narrowed.

        "Excuse me?" I snap and everyone's eyes shoot to me, "Did you just call this ship I work hard on every day, pour my sweat and tears and blood into, filthy? Like some slum of a place that has spider webs on the ceilings and rats on the floor!? Did you just call your room that I clean daily and pick up your dirty clothes thrown all over the place filthy!? I'd like to see you go a day without me and see how bloody filthy it is then Mr. Clean!" This outburst was so rare that the only thing anyone could do was stare as I slowly crept toward Loki, my fists clenched and my eyes snapping. He took an involuntary step back and fell back onto a railing. He quickly glanced down before looking up at me again. I get right up in his face and stare into his beautiful eyes. My eyes are practically burning and I could feel the temperature in the room getting hotter. I grit my teeth and storm out, slamming the door behind me. I pull the bobby pins from my hair and I felt so much better when I felt my heavy hair pulsing around me once more. It always seemed like I was going into war when I had my hair up. I fluffed my hair a bit and headed for the prisoner. I might as well see if he would talk to me. I sigh and tuck my hands in my pockets, deciding that I would not clean a single thing until Loki apologized. Except for maybe Bruce's office. And I might make him some snacks cuz he really doesn't eat as he should at all. And it really wasn't his fault Loki is currently being an unfeeling twit. I grin, who am I kidding? He's always an unfeeling twit. Except when he kisses. I blush a bit as my fingers delicately outline my lips and I sigh as I imagine my scarf tucked inside my pillowcase to make sure that no one accidentally stumbled upon it. I heard voices and I quickly dropped my hand, my head shooting up as all thoughts of Loki disappeared fast as instinct took over. They were hushed voices, one female and one male, they were trying very hard to talk so quietly that no one could make out a word. I tilted my head and tried to listen closer but there seemed to be something blocking my hearing. I frown and peek through the door that the voices were coming from. Lola stood close to the glass where the prisoner was being kept. Her head was bowed and the man was sneering at her, looking down at her in disgust. Lola had her hands entwined in front of her and she never looked up or flinched, even when the man hit the glass. That was too far. I pushed open the two doors in front of me so hard that they smashed against their opposite walls. Both Lola and the man flinch.

        "That is quite enough." Lola looked at me, panicked and I was confused as to why she looked guilty, but I kept my face blank as I smiled politely, "Lola, dear, will you be a sweetheart and leave me with the prisoner for a bit?" She nodded and quickly dashed from the room, the man behind the glass looking at her as if she was dirt and he sneered. I punched the glass so hard that is vibrated the entire thing, "you look at me now. You don't ever look at her like that. We clear?" He stumbled back when I hit the glass, shock freezing his features at my strength but he quickly masked that, stepping forward and smiling slimily, the fear not quite gone from his eyes.

        "She'll betray you before we're through." He leaned in close to the glass, his eyes on my level and staring into me, almost challengingly. I push the button by the side of the cell so that the speakers would turn on behind the mirrored glass behind me and the bored guards sitting and gossiping around a table littered with cards and snacks would be able to hear me.

        "Open the doors." I call out, not even turning around. At first there was no response but then I turned around and snapped to the mirrored window, "Open the damned door." The doors opened and I lifted my foot and placed it towards the lower portion of his ribs, in the middle, and pushed. He flew back to the other side of the cell and crumpled, gasping for breath as his hands groped his chest. I walked in calmly and the doors closed with a quiet swish behind me. I tilt my head and smiled sweetly, my hair bobbing gently. "Come now, don't make this more difficult than it has to be. Just tell me what you know and this will be easy." The man looked up at me and grinned, blood dripping from his mouth. He clutched his chest as he coughed wetly, blood squirting out as he laughed.

        "I'll tell you. That Lola of yours. That fine piece of white ass, works for me and mine. And we will get you in the end. Don't you worry your pretty pink nipples, you dirty whore. We'll get you."

        "KAT!" I turn around and look and there is everyone standing outside the cell, looking in. Fury is standing with his hands on his hips in front of the crowd. I blink innocently.


        "You know damn well what! Get out of that cell!" Fury demanded. I smile.

        "But of course." I turn back to the gasping pathetic heap of a man on the ground and sneer. "You are a pathetic worthless piece of dung and if you ever talk about me or Lola like that again, I'll kill you. Now. I think I'll keep this to make me feel better." I reach down and yank out his dangling silver earring, taking a huge chunk of ear with me. He screamed and clutched his ear. I look at the bloody mess that he was turning into and I step back to make sure my shoes wouldn't get dirty. The earring was dripping blood and I held it up in the light to see it better. There was a shimmering jewel in it, unlike any I had ever seen before. It seemed to reflect the galaxies and it seemed as if it were so big even though it was so small. I blink as if in a trance and lower the earring. The man was trying to reach for me, to claw for his earring back and I quickly shot out my foot, my heel connecting with his nose as more blood spurted out and another muffled scream was torn from his throat. I looked at my shoes unhappily and hoped the blood would come off. I sighed and turned around on my heel. The door swished open for me and I stepped through, my heels clik-clacking on the ground toward the open mouthed people standing in front of me. I walked past them and everyone still seemed still with shock. I grin a bit as Loki laughs delightedly. I push through the doors to get out of the room and tuck the bloody earring in my pocket. I would clean it out later. For now I had to think about Lola and what she was talking about with that filthy wreck of a man.

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