Warrior General

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We stand in the battleground waiting for the Morsch to come from the darkness surrounding us. It is pitch black but I know what it would look like. The inky black of their skeletons dripping from the darkness as they crawl from the blackness. The only thing I would be able to see would be their eyes and mouth which gleamed a dull red. Their 'lips' would be elongated and stretched for sucking the souls of others to feed their own rotten ones. Their stench is unbearable and their eyes are empty of anything except hunger. They are truly terrible. I closed my eyes, waiting for the opportune moment to strike as they leaked from the walls and floor. They reached closer to us, their limbs solidifying with the blackness. They stumble towards us and I still wait. My father thinks that patience is key to being a leader, and I agree. My warriors stand fast, ready to wait for my word, their trust in me is limitless. They would wait for me no matter what. I smile. I sense a hand reaching for my face. I know that its dagger-like fingers would be dripping inky darkness, stretched long and sharp. I still waited. The stench pushed down on us like a blanket, trying to cloud my thoughts and stifle my breath but I continued to take deep, steady breaths. There was a dead silence, the kind where you know something bad is happening because there is literally no noise, but then dripping noises sounded as the inky darkness dripped from the rotting black skeletons. As the fingers reaching for my face almost touched me I screamed my war cry to my warriors and my eyes opened as their screams burst forth with mine to begin the battle. My sword blazed as I sliced the creature in half, it's blackness squirting over my armor and the ground. All around me chaos pulsed its tempo on our battle. I spun and sliced three Morsch's bodies into pieces, their bodies imploding and their piercing, inhumane screams echoing inside my skull. I jumped and my spiked shoe pierced another's skull as I pushed off it and twisted in the air to kill two more with my dancing blade. I landed with one knee touching the wet ground as I pushed off again, grabbing a hand thrusting towards me neck and twisting it downward and breaking it before making its face meet the tip of my sword and pushing it into a group or Morsch before it blew up, destroying those who had caught it.

"50! HAHAHAAA!" Tympan yelled, grabbing one of the Morsche's throat and crushing it easily, throwing it over his shoulder to clutch at its destroyed neck with spitting blackness pouring out. Tympan moved onto the next one "51!"

"You're so slow on today, my old friend. I'm already on my 60th!" Lustwig yelled back, his dueling sword dancing and his feet moving quickly.

"80, you dimwitted so-called warriors. Go back home to your mommies and let a real warrior fight!" Sabrinya grinned as she sliced one's head off before kicking high and slicing another one into two. Peter was stomping and roaring as the Morsch actually ran away from him. He kicked low, sweeping down and Morsch went flying into each other as others tried to desperately escape his clutches. They trampled each other to get away from him. He clenched his hands and threw back his head, roaring. I grin and continue to dance through the blackness with my legs pumping and kicking and my hands slicing through the air. Finally there was only one left and it let out a scream, his head thrown back and his hands dripping inky blood as he clenched them tightly. Veins were stressed on its body as they stood out. He dropped his head and his eyes raged with fire. I had never seen this before. Its eyes had anger, not hunger, filling them and fueling it. It charged me, it's bony legs pumping fast as its bare feet slapped against the rocks and blood. He slid a bit on some blood but kept on straight towards me, letting out an inhumane, shrieking cry of anger and pain. I held out my sword and charged towards him as well. This one deserved a good death, for honoring his fellow's demise. We both roared as we charged. My hair flew free of its holder and flared around me like fire as my eyes sliced through the darkness. Winks of fire expanded behind me as I became a beautiful fire queen. We met and clashed. He went down but he went down with as much honor as one of his kind could muster and he went down fighting. I nodded my head at his body before it disintegrated. I looked up at my friends who were staring at me in awe. I pushed my powers down and my hair stopped flaming and now just looked strikingly red, not terrifyingly beautiful. I looked around and saw the blood of the Morsch being sucked into the hungry ground. That was the good thing about the Morsch, no clean up duty. I started off the battleground and the others followed.

"Haha!! 300 Morsch killed by my strong hands! Tonight I will have 600 Glasses for them!" Tympan yelled into the night, his booming laugh making all smile.

"600?" I ask, grinning.

"Well, you have to double it, love! Not that you would understand." I rolled my eyes.

"Ha! I killed 621!" Laughed Lustwig. Tympan grumbled.

"650." Smiled Sabrinya slyly, looking over at Lustwig. He pouted.

"987" I laughed heartily while the others complained. Peter laughed and grabbed my hand. We threw our arms around each other and set off together, looking forward to another party that surely awaits our arrival.  

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