Mission Accepted

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I walked to the conference room and pushed open the door.

        "Hey there, kitten!" I rolled my eyes at Tony as he walked confidently up to me and wrapped an arm around me. I pulled away, walking towards Fury who was leaning on the wall.

        "Lookin' good!" Clint winked at me at his seated position next to Natasha, who grinned at me. I couldn't help but grin back. Loki stood on the other side from his brother and they were both looking at me. I finally stopped in front of Fury and he looked down at me for a moment before pushing off the wall.

        "How may I be of service today?" I asked kindly, my hands folded behind my back.

        "We need some help in catching a suspect." He said, his one good eye piercing through me.

        "And what would you like me to do?" Fury started pacing in front of me, his hands also behind his back.

        "This suspect . . . likes redheads and we need him to come . . . quietly and voluntarily."

        "Wouldn't Natasha be better at this than me?" I asked without missing a beat, ignoring the outraged gasps that filled the room.

        "She is going to be going on a different mission and will not be available. Mary said that you had excellent skills in fighting and intelligence and I think you will be most suited for this mission. Plus it seems as if your loyalty has no bounds." He shot me a glance from the corner of his eye.

        "Of course. Anything you want."

        "NO!" Loki and Thor yelled at the same time. They glared at each other before starting towards me and Fury.

        "Kat is not an operative! She's a freaking coffee girl! She is not going to go out into the field to . . . TO . . . TO SEDUCE A FILTHY MID-GAURDIAN!!!" Loki clenched his hands and yelled. Thor was right behind him.

        "She's going to get hurt!! She is not going to be flirting with some man she's never met before!!!" Thor roared.

        "Well, it isn't your choice, now is it?" I stated, looking at them calmly.

        "Indeed it is not. And how much of this is your worry for her well being, and how much of it is your own jealousy?" Fury asked and the two sputtered, looking for a comeback. Fury turned his attention to me again. "Your clothes are set out on your bed and good luck." I nodded and turned to walk out the door. Tony and Clint frowned, clearly unhappy that I was leaving. I smiled at them before heading to my room. As I pushed open my door the familiar scent of roses wafted towards me, deep, dark roses. Roses only smelled like that in the underworld, like sin and danger mixed with love and adventure. It reminded me of home. I took a deep breath to calm myself before looking at the clothes laying on my bed. I pulled them on and smiled at how comfy it was, I had been wearing those uncomfortable work clothes every day but the pants were tight and soft and the top was warm cotton. I threw my hair up and swiped some makeup on before heading out.

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