My Future

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  It had been a year since I had come to my home. I have a daily routine of getting up way too early, fighting with Kalpjio before eating breakfast, battle planning, dead collecting and mental resistance class. My whole day was packed full and I would have it no other way. I was fitting into my role as princess and I was learning about the underworld and the world above. The spirits come to us. We were in direct contact with every soul that dies and we place them to their designated spots. The Underworld was, of course, the land of the naughty and fun so there are constant parties and drinks. I grew used to the constant frivolous fun and many times I would join in but mostly I stayed away, as my father requested. I was working with all of the generals and the furies so that I would start to get used to the order of things so I would be ready for when I took power, if I ever had to. (furies <3 I love the way this person draws, this is not mine XD).

        I was coming into my powers and everyone was amazed by how much power I had. I could read minds, I could move things and take things apart and put them back together all without touching them. My power was literally limitless, I have no end, I can do anything I want. I could wipe out an entire race of people with just a thought or I could make their crops crow plentifully. It is terrifying. My father told me that everyone must have someone stronger than them to keep them humble and the Gods and Goddesses have become very egotistical and think that they are above all. My father told me that I was the end of this, because he says I am even stronger than the Gods. This was a lot of responsibility on little old me but I am trying not to think about it too much right now and just soak in all I could of the other stuff.

        After weapons practice I walked down a marble hallway, my shoes clicking on the ground and echoing off the tall ceilings. I close my eyes and take deep breaths, thinking blissfully of nothing as I soak in the rare time that I get to be truly by myself. I run my hand along the wall and a warmth radiates from it, not hot nor too warm to be alarming but yet a comfortable warmth remains. It is the same in every room. My hand suddenly touches something that is not the smooth marble I had been expecting and I open my eyes. I turn and look. It is a rough wooden door with a metal twisting doorknob. My eyebrows shot up because never had I seen such a door here, in this extravagant palace and I was too intrigued not to enter. The metal was cool to the touch and I twisted the knob before pushing it open and peering into the darkness. Dust particles wafted in the air and I reached for a light switch on the wall by the door. I finally found it and I switched it on. There was a giant chandelier that brightened up the room instantly and I flinched from the sudden light. I ventured further in to see boxes on shelves. The wooden shelves were old and I ran my hand over them to get the dust off before wiping the grey matter on my jeans. I peered inside the closest box and saw it full of manila folders.  The shelves are marked with years and the folder that I held in my hand seemed to be from about 60 to 70 yeas ago. I picked up the first folder and opened it and my eyes widened at the blue eyed beauty who gazed up at me tumblr_m4h4yv8U5k1qe0ig6o1_r3_500  as if his heart was breaking. I instantly wanted to know his story and why he was here in this room. I read that he had this stuff put into him and now he was the perfect soldier and he saved lots of people.

        I put that folder aside to look at more folders. I decided to look at more recent boxes and pulled one out to put on a nearby table to start sifting through it. avengers-hulk There was one where a man was standing. His pose was strangely content but it was as if there was an unknown pain in his life, a secret shoved deep inside just waiting to burst free. When I flipped through, I realized my theory was correct. Hulk I could still see his face there, he seemed vulnerable and sad even though his muscles rippled and stretched. He was ready to kill and destroy everything he touched, but he had a timeless sorrow written clearly on his green face. I closed my eyes and the folder, touching it momentarily to my lips before setting it on top of the one with the blonde haired man with blue eyes.

         I turned to the box once more and lifted out another envelope. paper clipped to his information was his picture av_06.02cf. He seemed sure and comfortable with himself. He was handsome and proud. His file says "Tony Stark. AKA Iron Man" I blinked. Nothing about him seemed very iron. Maybe he was heartless or he had tough skin or something. My brow furrowed, but my mind intrigued, I set him aside as well. Next I came upon two blue folders. They looked different from the others in their color and I opened them together without hesitation.



        The first one read Thor, son of Odin God of thunder. So the blue folder must mean God! I quickly turned to the other and saw "Loki, Son of Odin, God of mischief" Both of these Gods looked so different. Thor had long, blonde hair and blue eyes, the typical pretty boy while his brother, Loki had black hair and the most striking eyes that couldn't decide whether they were blue or green. He seemed dangerous but also so sad. I sighed and moved onto the next ones.



        The first one was striking and I was drawn into his look and his face, the seriousness and the beauty but the second one inspired me. This woman would not bow down to anyone and she would be whatever she wanted. I wanted to be like her. In that moment I fell in love with her, like a star struck little girl.




        I was flipping through them faster, wanting to know their names, their stories and lives. I reached the bottom and stared at all the folders surrounding me. These stories I longed to hear and the people I yearned to meet.

        "They are all special people. With special abilities." I spun around and looked at my dad who was casually leaning on the door with his arms crossed and an eyebrow cocked. I wonder how long he had been there. He pushes off when I say nothing. "Do you want to know their story?" My eyes focus and I sit up straight, nodding profusely. He unfolded his arms as he sat down, opening the files and settling in. He told me their stories and as I saw their stories come alive I fell in love with them. I wanted to meet them, to work with them and be with them. They were my precious friends, even if they had never met me before. 

        As dad stacks the folders inside the box once more I look up at him and feel my future hardening and becoming clear.

        "I will work with them. For them. Help them. This is what I want. Maybe not now, but when I am older and can be of more use to them. Besides. It's not as if I will need to take over the Underworld right away, you do such a good job of it." I smile faintly and my dad's eyes blaze into mine. He says nothing for a while as he pushes the box back into its rightful place, leaving streaks of dust in its wake. Then he turns and there is complete seriousness in his face.

        "If you excel at your learning, at every aspect of your learning, then you may do this. But you need to work for it. I know I cannot smother you but I sure as Hell am not letting you loose out there without giving you every damn tool you might need to deal with those who will harm you." He looks me straight in the eyes and I know he is serious. A wave of happiness and warmth goes through me as I realize that he is willing to fight for me, to protect me. I didn't even hesitate.        

        "Yes. I accept. There are some things that are worth working towards." I then smile and turn back into my little girl self, "Thank you daddy!" I run towards him and give him a big hug. He picks me up and twirls me around.

        "I just got my little princess and she's already planning on moving out. How selfish!" He grinned and tickled me relentlessly and I giggled.

        My path was in front of me and all I have to do is reach toward it with both hands and grasp hold of it. It was my future and I will do what I want with it.

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