Friends and a breach

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    Lola and I walked down the hall together in silence. She would often fall into a state where she just didn't seem to be paying attention to anything around her. She was like that now, her head ducked and her eyes unfocused. I looked at her curiously. She was still completely useless in dealing with directions so we always go everywhere together. I sighed a little and looked back up at the hallway. The only sound in the hall was our shoes clicking on the cold surface. All of a sudden Lola slid her hand into mine and I looked down, a little surprised but warmly squeezing her hand. She was still in the trance but she leaned into me softly, tears flowing silently down her cheeks. I furrowed my brow with concern as I took the back of my hand and brushed the tears away. She blinked and looked up at me, breaking out of her trance. She blushed as she realized that she was clinging to me and she quickly let go. I pulled her close again and rested my chin on her head.

        "If you need me, then I will always be there for you. I am your friend and I love you, so I worry about you when you cry and are hurt. You can always come to me for support!" I shifted until my arms were more securely wrapped around her and my cheek rested on her soft hair. She sniffled and grabbed onto me,

        "Oh, I've been friend zoned." She sniffled and we both broke out laughing. We leaned away from each other after we were laughing and I looked down at her doll-like face and saw happiness but also a sadness. I kissed her on the forehead and pulled away, still holding onto her hand as we continued down the hall, out laughter echoing along the halls.

        As we walked past the conference war we heard raised voices and I hesitated a bit as I walked past. I knew it was wrong to listen to their conversations, but what if it was something really bad? I glanced at Lola and she rolled her eyes and nodded her head at the door, saying it was okay. I grinned and pressed my ear to the door. I closed my eyes and concentrated all of my focus on listening. I heard Fury talking about something called Alpha trying to get into their information. Apparently Alpha was really good, because everyone was in a frenzy trying to p-protect their computers.

        "They don't seem to be trying to hurt or cripple our computers but they are breaking in way too easily, Sir!" I heard Maria's voice saying to Fury before snapping off orders to flustered workers.

        "Get them the Hell out of our information, I don't give a damn if they want to see what kind of ice cream I eat, it's none of their business so kick them out! You are the best for a reason!" I hid a little giggle at that.

        "What kind of ice cream do you eat?" Tony said. I could almost feel the heat from the glare Fury was surely giving Tony.

        "You seem kind of like a chocolate kind of man."

        "What are you trying to say, Mr. Stark?" 

        "You know, crazy one eyed dude who has tons of little minions flitting around seems like some stress. Stressed people eat chocolate ice cream. But you might want to watch how much you eat." I covered my mouth with my hand to hold in my laughter.

        "Why does ice cream, chocolate or not, have anything to do with the fact that we are getting hacked!?" Steve snapped.

        "Did you just miss our entire conversation? Helloooooo, he's the one that brought it up!" I laughed and the door suddenly opened to Natasha and Clint. Clint grinned and winked at me and Natasha cocked an eyebrow with a smile. I smiled bashfully and shrugged. They stepped aside and I saw Tony eating a cupcake I had brought him earlier, completely oblivious to the glares he was getting from Steve and Fury. He turned and winked at me.

        "Good cupcake. Almost as sweet as you. If only you would let me taste you." I rolled my eyes with a smile as I stepped into the room. I looked at the computers and saw the codes that were running through them. I tilted my head as I saw the numbers.

        "Do you know these?" Fury asks. I walk up to him and slide my arm through his.

        "Pretty sure." I answered. He rubbed my head with the hand that wasn't wrapped in mine.

        "Wanna help us out." He asked, joking a little. I looked straight I his eye.

        "No matter what, with anything." He blinked at my seriousness before hopping down the platform and took a chair, putting a headset on my head. My fingers flew across the keyboard, my eyes constantly scanning the screen. I grinned. There's no way he is getting in here! I battled the breach and chuckled softly at the challenge. Not many things are challenging but this is fun! Nothing else existed at that moment but the person on the other computer, trying to push his way into my computer. We were having a battle and we were both fantastic. I hoped he was grinning at his computer like I am. I probably look like an idiot right now, grinning at a computer. I laugh a bit before sliding across the ground on my rolly chair to get to the main consul and flip a few things before typing on that as well. Checkmate. I press enter and all the computers go back to normal. The computer next to me started up the game that he had been in the middle of when the computers acted up. He blushed and exited out franticly. I grin. One last thing. I sent my challenger a present. 

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