Getting a Job?

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    I walked towards the designated spot. It was supposed to be a high-level secret but I had connections. The group of women stood around, all pretending to be doing nothing. One was reading a newspaper while another was standing by the coffee shop. They all looked like normal everyday women to every human who walked past but they were not normal. They were agents wanting a job for SHIELD. More specifically working for Fury in the air craft that carried the Avengers. This was my chance. I was about to go into the group and pretend to do something with them before I noticed their clothes. They were in suits and such, all of them looked business like and professional. I looked down at my clothes from the underworld and realized I could not get a job looking like this. I looked back up and saw a clothing store. I walked into it and was swamped by all the clothing. It sparkled and gleamed and I almost flinched looking at it.

        "Can I help you?" A cheerful woman asked, holding herself tall and folding her hands in front of her pressed skirt. She was smiling happily and her brown hair was up in a messy bun, making her look professional yet still soft and feminine. This girl probably wont buy anything, just one of those lookers who come in and make my job hard.  The girl thought. I tilted my head and shrugged.

        "I want to find a professional suit but one that also flatters me. I want to get an important job." The girl blinked at me in surprise before looking me up and down. She smiled more genuinely now and led me off. I tried on many things before I settled on something we were both happy with. It was a high wasted knee length black skirt with a slight slit on either side. It showed off my long legs and my tiny waist. A white dress shirt was tucked into the skirt, the top couple of buttons left undone and the sleeves a little lacey and soft with hints of a pale pink. My outfit was exactly what I asked for and I was happy with it.

        "Alright that was fun! That will be $469.38." The girl said, running the clothing over a machine that beeped at her. I blinked at the number and remembered the lessons I had on mid-guardian currency. I pulled out the money that father had given to me and carefully gave the bills to the girl, my brow furrowing slightly. The girl accepted the money and put it into a compartment. I tilted my head to see it better but she closed it quickly before ripping a piece of paper and giving it to me with the bag. "Have a wonderful day!" The girl said and beamed at me. I stepped away from her with a smile as I went into the bathroom to change. I walked briskly outside when I was finished and got a coffee and sat on a bench next to the newspaper lady who glanced at me slyly. I kept my eyes forward as I crossed my legs and smiled. A man came out of the coffee shop and looked around before heading back inside. That was our cue. Every girl went in after him, one at a time with five minutes in between so as not to draw attention to us. The newspaper lady stood and folded her paper before heading inside and to the back. I was the last one. I sipped my coffee calmly for another five minutes before heading inside and past the counter with a nod to the boy behind the counter. He shot me a flirty grin and I winked at him. He fanned himself as he leaned on the other guy with a laugh. I giggled and headed into the meeting room. All the women were sitting in the room and one woman was standing in front of us. I recognized her from before in the files. tumblr_m3bq3qQ8ro1qaju6c she stood with her hands folded in the front of the room as I took my seat.

        "Now that all of you are here, let us begin. We need one of you to work for us. We only need one and we will have the best." She paced the front of the room as she talked, her hands behind her back and her eyes roaming over us as if telling who was the best with her eyes. "First will be the test to see how intelligent you are." A thick packet was passed out as she said this. I looked down at it and gripped my pen. I would beat all these women! "Begin!" I ran through the test, thanking my tutors for never letting up on me and giving me the most rigorous assignments and topics. I breezed through it and looked up, putting my pen down by my packet. I was the first one done and my paper was graded. As I sat the others finished and they were also graded. When Robin looked at my score she looked up at me and met my eyes for a moment. I looked unflinchingly back. She looked away and walked up to the front again.

        "Ms.. Serafine is the highest scorer. She did not miss a single question." I smiled a little bit. She let many girls go until it was only four of us left. "Next is the physical part." We were broken up into two groups and told to fight. My partner was large and a little bulky. She wore glasses and her hair was pulled up severely. I smirked and she lunged towards me. I dodged and my leg shot out to kick her in her kidneys. She landed on her side and leaped up immediately, coming for me again. I pushed myself backwards into a backflip as she came close and I kicked her, my high heel breaking off as I strike her. I landed on my feet, kicking off my shoes and showing off my adorable white socks. She landed heavily on the mat and didn't move. Robin helped the girl up and pointed her towards the healer before turning towards me and gesturing to the winner of the other group. She was quiet and more serious. She had kind eyes but her posture said that she would not hold back. Just my type. I smiled and bowed at her and she mirrored the motion before we began. We circled each other, assessing. I strike first with a right hook and she shifted out of the way and caught my wrist, pulling down but I twisted my hand and caught her wrist, pulling her towards me. She missed my knee just barely and pulled out of my grip. We circled with more respect and hesitance than before. She spun and her leg shot out. I caught her foot as her heel almost touched my face and I kicked my leg over hers, pulling down and slamming her knee into the ground. she gasped a bit but twisted around suddenly and pulled me down by her. I shifted my head to the right to avoid her elbow and I reached my hand over her neck to get her in a lock. She hit my side with her elbow but with so us so close it did little damage. She relaxed but I knew that trick and I held her fast. Her breath became more labored and she did not give up hitting me until she lost consciousness. I felt her slump into me and I let go instantly. I pushed her hair out of her face and stood, bowing to her once more. It was an honor to fight with her.

        "You did very well." I looked up at the woman who was in charge. Please say I got the job. She circled me as the healers got the girl I was fighting.

        "Thank you." She stopped in front of me once more.

        "Why do you want this job?" She asked and I had a feeling this was my final test. I decided to go with truth.

        "This is what I have wanted since I was little. It's all I ever worked towards." She finally smiled at me and I relaxed.

        "Correct answer. We will have get your hair up and try and make you not so pretty otherwise Tony will go crazy." She laughed "Of course that wont be easy." I smiled at her. "you start tomorrow. I will have an outfit sent over to you. I await your arrival." She started walking away.

        "Wait! What is my actual job description?" she paused and glanced back at me with a smile.

        "Didn't you know? You are a coffee girl. You will be taking care of the Avengers." I blinked and smiled as she walked away. I wanted to be of help to them and I suppose they needed coffee, right? I could work my way up the ranks. I laughed and threw my fist in the air.

I was ready!

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