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     I pushed my sleeves up again because they were falling into the flour. I wiped my face with my forearm and accidentally got more flour on my cheek. I kneaded the dough before picking it up and flipping it over to flop it back down onto the floured cutting board. I was making snacks for everyone. Bruce never ate like he was supposed to because he was working so much. But Tony ate all the time with snacks and things so I don't have to make him as much. I always tried to make Bruce something extra special and leave it for him to eat as he worked. I cut the dough and pushed it gently into different pans before putting them into the hot oven and closing the door with my hip. I clapped my hands together to get some of the flour off. I then pushed out of the kitchen and into the hallway. I wiped my hands on my short mini apron that covered the tops of my legs. I had learned the halls perfectly and knew every back road and escape route. I have every pathway etched into my memory so I would know where to go in a crisis. I also tended to avoid the Avengers during my working hours because I felt it imperative that I be as helpful to them as possible and not distract them with my presence so I took the less traveled roads and was dead silent. Even black Widow doesn't hear me behind her. Tony and Clint liked to guess what passageways I go down each day so I change up my routes. It was a fun game that they always lost.

        I walk into the weapons room and saw Loki looking into a glass wall. It was mirrored so he could not see anything but his own reflection but we both knew what lay behind that mirrored glass. It was his staff. Fury had taken it away from him when he came on board and never gave it back. I've cleaned it many times and it is actually quite interesting with all the runes and intricate design details that cover it. Loki looked a little sad gazing in on where he knew his staff to be. His arms were crossed and his brow a little furrowed. I stood silently before heading over to the bow section where I was to clean all of Clint's arrows and bows while checking to make sure that they all worked perfectly. I quietly set to work with my head down. I was almost done when I felt two strong arms wrap around me. Hair tickled my throat and I turned my head expecting to see Loki. I started a bit when I saw Thor, instead, looking up at me.

        "Oh." I blinked, "What are you doing? I'm working!" I scolded him, turning back to my work. He nuzzled into me a bit more as he sighed.

        "I got bored hearing Tony whine about you ignoring him so I came to see you."

        "How can you see me with your face pressed into my neck?" I exclaimed, carefully putting the last of the explosive arrows into a group with others and surveyed my work critically. It was all perfect. I nodded in satisfaction as Thor whined a little bit to me. I patted him on the head and glanced down at my watch. "I have to go back to work, excuse me." I turned and smiled at him as I pulled out of his arms. I kissed him quickly on the cheek and he grinned and blushed, puffing out his chest like he won an award. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the door.

        "You're proud of a little kiss on the cheek? How boring when I've experienced so much more." I opened my eyes a little bit as I turned to Loki who smirked sexily. Thor pouted at him.

        "What do you mean, brother?"

        "Mean? What do you think I mean you blubbering idiot!?" He walked over to me and caressed my head softly, with one stroke pulling my hair out of its holder and it fell in blanketing waves around me. He pulled me into him, his hand firm on my waist. My hands were pressed in between our bodies, flat against his chest. Loki looked over my head to see Thor who glared at him.

        "Exactly what did you do to her brother?" Thor sounded strong and terrifying, his face clouded. Loki just smirked again.

        "Why don't we give you a demonstration then?" Loki slid his eyes to mine and it was as if he captured me right then, my eyes could not wander. Loki smelled like heaven as he came closer to me. His face leaned in and as it did, his eye lids slowly lowered almost as if in a trance. Mine fell as well and we looked into each others eyes with heavy lids as our faces tilted instinctively. I could feel his breath once more on my lips and I couldn't hold in my sigh as I melted into him. When his lips touched mine they were cool and soft as they melded with mine. My hands grabbed onto his clothes as we kissed and it felt like forever with that one kiss. When we finally leaned away our eyes were soft and heavy, looking at each other. I heard a roar behind me and that was when I remembered Thor. Loki let go of me fast as he disappeared from in front of me and reappeared on the other side of the room, grinning.

        "Now that is something to feel proud of." Thor was pissed. His hair was flowing and his body seemed to be crackling with electricity. His lips were tight and his eyes narrowed dangerously. He opened his hand and my eyes widened as I realized what he was doing.

        "Thor! You will tear the ship apart!" I yelled at him but it was too late as his Hammer flew into his hands. Thor spun it a few times before he flew at Loki, his lightning booming and striking. Thor was headed straight for Loki, and Loki's eyes widened, terror flashing in his eyes as he sees his brother come hurtling at him. Loki cringed back and threw his hands up at the brilliance and Thor came closer, so close, just enough to hit Loki. Thor threw back his large hand and his arm bunched with strength as he propelled his fist and hammer straight towards Loki's face. And . . . . Yep, he went crashing through the wall. The wall collapsed loudly as dust and particles fly in the air. Loki dropped his hands and straitened, grinning like an idiot.

        "Every time!" He laughed and I couldn't help but laugh a little too. Loki looked shocked at me as I laughed. "Are you laughing at him?"

        "M-me? Noooo! I'm just . . . . . laughing with him! That's right we are laughing together!" I try to hold back my laughter as another piece of wall crumbles to the floor. Loki threw back his head and laughed and I joined in.

        "You are so laughing at him!"         

        "YOU DIDN'T SEE ANYYYTHING!" I yelled and ran out of the room, running for my oven before my treats burned.


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