Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I looked at Damon silent as he looked at me and walked up to me so he was right in front of me. "You make me different, not a monster but something different like a-" Damon said almost a whisper "a human" I said back to him. He looked at me for a moment as he quickly kissed me and I kissed him back. This felt right but at the same time wrong!


I poured myself a drink and took a sip as Hayley walked into the room "I see Star left" Hayley said crossing her arms. "Don't you have some wolf's to take care of" I asked Hayley turning around and looking at her. "Well I thought you might want to read this" she threw me a small book and I looked at it "what is it" "Star's journal, you should read it, you're in it" Hayley said and walked out of the room and outside as I looked at the journal and sighed. I sat down in a chair and set my drink down, opening the book and reading the last thing she wrote in it.

I'm lost, when I looked at Klaus I don't see who I once say, at times I see someone better, sometimes worse. Now when I look into Klaus's eyes all I see is the demons he hides inside. I do not know if I trust him anymore, the deal I have made with the witch makes me question everything I feel. To live a life with no more vampires, no more wanting someone to do something and never getting it, to live a life, human life with Damon. At the same time my heart and mind are telling me that I shouldn't listen to the deal and stay with Klaus. The demon inside shows me my fears but makes me live life better then I've lived in a while.

I love Niklaus but at the same time I love Damon, I can not chose who I love more, so I will let himchose for me. To know what goes on in the mind of the beast and the Demon would be like a gift I do not want. Who, should, I, choose.

I threw the book on the ground, mad and started to throw things all around.


My eyes opened as I laid on Damon's chest and looked at him with a smile as he smiled back "you know I forgot how this felt, to have you in my arms" Damon said. "I did too" silence filled the air for a moment "why did you come back" Damon asked me with a confused look on his face. "I realized that being with Klaus, I wasn't happy" I lied "okay, so what was the real reason" Damon asked as I sat up a bit. "Damon don't" I started "I want to know" he said tracing a few marks on my shoulder and down my arm. I sighed "if you're asking me if I have feelings for Klaus I don't" I said a bit mad.

"Your lips tell me that but you heart and mind tell the truth" Damon said and I looked at him. "Do you love me" I asked him as he looked at me a bit confused "what are you talking about "you're right, I do have feelings for Klaus. I thought if I came here then the feelings would go away but they didn't" I said and got up, getting dressed. "I kind of figured" Damon said as he got dressed as well. I stopped as I was putting on my boots and looked behind my shoulder "you never did answer my question" I said.

I heard Damon sigh "there's no point in saying my answer, you've already made your decision" Damon said. I looked up at him "you've changed" I said "I've changed, the girl I first knew hated Klaus, wanted to kill him. Now you madly in love with him" Damon said as I quickly stood up "Damon I'm still that girl, just my feelings have changed" I said. Damon just did a small laugh and shook his head "maybe my knew feelings pointed me in the right detection this time" I said and grabbed my jacket, leaving the bedroom and the house.

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