Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I loved writing this chapter because it shows how much Klaus really does care about Star.


I sat on the bed in my room, looking at the floor, day dreaming. All of a sudden I hear a knock at the door and look up to see Klaus. “You've proved quite resilient, little hunter,

fighters, both of you” Klaus aid walking up to me. “I guess we've had to be, especially lately” I said and stood up walking over to the window to see the party still going on outside. I looked at the crowd of people as the danced around on the streets “when I die and people throw a party I'm coming back to life and kicking some asses" I said with a small smile as Klaus was silent for a second. "You almost did" Klaus said and I turned to look at him.

“In all my life I have never been so, terrified" Klaus said as I sighed "well then it looks like you will probable be more worried once I leave" I said. Klaus sighed "I want to show you something" Klaus said motioning for me to follow him. I looked at him confused, but followed him into a room. He opened the door to reveal a finished baby's room. “Believe it or not Star, I want you to be here” I walked into the room, amazed by it.

“Our daughter should be raised by her parents in her family home” “its Hayley and yours daughter, not mine” I said picking up a toy and looking at it. “That's not how I see it, or wish it” “so what, you, me, Elijah, Hayley, and the miracle baby all under one roof.

Sounds like a bad reality show” I said and Klaus smiled. “You said you saw my father” Klaus said to me, changing the subject. “Why do you call him that, he's not your real dad” I asked him “well why did you call me father when I took you in” Klaus asked.

I thought for a minute “because, you've done damage only a father could do” I said. “What did he say to you” Klaus asked me as I looked at him “that you would be a terrible father” Klaus looked down, upset almost. “I told him, he could take it to hell with him” I lied as Klaus looked at me with a smile before walking out. I looked around and saw the painting of the full moon and the sun going down over the ocean. I smiled at it and I realized that I really didn't want to live without Klaus.

Today he was acting like he truly carried, and I wanted to make it last. I quickly ran out of the room and into my room. I looked around and sighed as I sat on the bed “Klaus” I said as he walked back into my room. “I've decided, I will stay, mostly because I know that I'm going to need your help at time. And someone needs to keep you in line” I said with a smile. Klaus smiled at me “good” he said to me about to walk out of the room.

“Niklaus” I called and he stopped and turned around. “Can lay here with me, just until I fall asleep” I said still a bit shaken up from everything today. “Sure” Klaus said with a smile as I crawled under the blankets and laid down with Klaus sitting next to me. I moved so that I was laying right next to Klaus as he set his hand on my head.


I watched as Star closed her eyes and fell asleep, I smiled, remembering a time when I put her to bed.


A little 7 year old girl came running down the hallway "Star what are you doing, your suppose to be in bed" I said to Star "can you read me a bedtime story" Star asked as I sighed and followed her to her room. "I don't know any bedtime stories" I said as she laid in her bed "then tell me about your life" "my life could give you nightmares" I said. "I've never had nightmares" Star said with a smile as I couldn't help but do a small one.

"Okay" I said giving in and polled the chair over and sat down next to her "what do you want it to be about" I asked "anything" Star said polling the blankets up to her chin. "Once there lived" "you have to start with once upon a time otherwise it's not a story" Star said "would you like to tell the story" I asked with a smile as she shook her head no. "Once upon a time there lived a guy and girl, the guy was made in love with the girl but she never gave in to him. There was always someone else".

I told her a small story "then one day they went out to eat and the guy saw that he may have a cha-" I started and look down to see Star sound asleep. I smiled "good night little hunter" I said with a smile.

End of Flashback

I smiled at the memory and looked down at Star "good night little hunter" I whispered and slipped out of bed about to walk out of the room "good night Niklaus" I heard Stars voice say. I stopped and turned to her as she had her eyes open but still laid down. I smiled at her and walked out of the room.


"Niklaus I'm going outside to throw a few knives" the 13 year old Star said to me, carrying her book bag over her shoulder. "Star wait" I said as she stopped and looked at me "why do you call me Niklaus" I asked "because everyone knows the big, bad Klaus, Niklaus is a better guy, the guy who saved my life" Star said with a small smile and I nodded at her as she walked outside.

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