Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


Elijah, Klaus, Hayley and I walked threw the cemetery trying to find our way around until we started to hear some chanting. I stopped in my tracks behind a stone as Klaus stopped and turned to look at me. Elijah and Hayley kept walking. “What are you doing” “surprise attack” I said with a smile. “Listen after this, after all of this promise me that you won't just disappear” Klaus said to me.

“I won't” I said as Klaus gave me a quick kiss and walked back with the others. I waited as I heard some talking and then screaming. I turned and peeked out to see Klaus threw something at one of the witches, killing her. One of the witches was about to stab the baby when I quickly took my knife and threw it at her. She stopped in her tracks, dropping the knife and falling to the ground dead.

Elijah and Klaus turned to look at me as I looked at them confused. I turned around and found Marcel standing there. He quickly grabbed me and threw me, making me hit one of the large stones before grabbing the baby and running off. “Star” Klaus said about to run over to me “go get her” I yelled to Klaus as he ran off to Marcel.

Elijah ran over to help Hayley up then went to run over to me “go, I'll be fine just go help Klaus” I said to him. Elijah nodded but Hayley staid and ran over to me “you have to get out of here” “what” Hayley asked confused. I moved my hand away from my arm, showing where it was cut deep and was bleeding bad. Hayley quickly stood up and started to walk backwards.

I took my jacket off and held it on my arm and standing up. “You okay” I asked her as she swallowed hard and nodded to me as we ran off.


I chased after Marcel and the child to the “garden” where all of Marcel's people laid dead. “I was too late” Marcel said holding the child upset “there should have been more time”. I couldn't believe my eyes “looks like the wolves came back and finished what they started” I said. I looked down at Marcel as he held my child “you took my daughter so I would heal you and your friends” I couldn't help but smile for a second at how bad he wanted this.

“Here” I said rolling up my sleeve and showing him my wrist “this bite, all this I know it didn't come from nowhere. This is the last note in a song that I started a century ago, when I brought your dad to town, and for that, I am sorry” Marcel said to me. “No” I said bending down and laying a hand on Marcel's shoulder “you help saved my child's life, Marcel. For that, you deserve this” I said showing my wrist as Marcel finally took it.

“We will take down whoever brought this upon us, I swear it” I said as Marcel nodded. “May I” I said referring to my child as Marcel handed her over to me and I smiled as she made a small crying noise “shh, oh, hey, hey, shh, shh” I said with a smile. She opened her eyes and looked at me as I couldn't believe I was looking in the eyes of my child. My own flesh and blood. I held her in my arms as she looked at Marcel, making him smile, as well as me.

I cleaned up myself as Star walked into the baby's room while I held her, about to lay her down. “She's beautiful, she looks like you” Star said and I smiled, laying her down in her crib. “Thank you” “for what” Star asked me confused “for saving our daughter” I said looking at her. “Klaus listen, she's not my daughter, I would feel honored to be able to say that, that girl is my daughter, but she's not”.

I looked at her, listening “I know that you want that, that you want her to be our daughter, but she's not. She's Hayleys. Hayley loves that child more then anything, and I love you”. Star laid and hand on my cheek “can't that be good enough” I asked as I smiled at her “you're the only person that can talk to me that way” I said. All of a sudden I heard a small noise and felt like someone was watching us.

“Stay with the baby” I said as I walked out of the baby's room and out into the hallway, no one was there. Elijah and Hayley walked in and we all sat in a small room while Hayley held the child and Star, Elijah and I talked. “We should have felt our mother's hand in this, we should have known she would not be bound by anything as obvious as death, and now she has control of the witches, they will never stop” I said.

“No” Elijah said “nor would I expect the Guerrera Wolves to back down. Hayley and the child are wolf royalty, and as such, they are a threat to Francesca's claim to leadership.

They will never be safe. What was it you said to me earlier, that I've made enemies every day of my miserable life? Well, the worst of them are within these borders, brother. I have brought into the world a weapon they can use against me, That child and you” I pointed to Star.

“Then we will arm ourselves, brother, we've fought every adversary in this town and we have won, and we'll fight them again, no matter who they are. We'll make this home a fortress”. “I will not have her live her life as a prisoner” I said “then we leave here together, all of us, you, me, Hayley, Star and that child”. “Wherever we go, however far we run, those who seek power and revenge will hunt us, they will hunt her. She has inherited all our enemies with none of our defenses” I said mad.

“So whether we stay or we leave, we condemn her” Elijah said “there is a third option” we all look up to see Hayley standing there. “I grew up in a war zone, my parents thought they could protect me, but in the end, they were slaughtered, and I spent my childhood alone and unloved. I made a promise to this baby and to myself” Hayley started to cry.

“That she would not grow up like I did, that she would grow up safe and loved, and yet here she is on her first day in this world with a grandmother that is bent on sacrificing her and a so called mother that has to drink the blood of her own baby to survive transitioning into a hybrid, and I'm the one that loves her the most. I think the only thing to do is send her away while we stay behind and clean up the mess that we've made” Hayley said.

“No” Elijah stood “this is insane, you heard Genevieve, so long as she lives, that baby will be hunted”. “Not if no one knows she lives” Star said as we all stood up. “For many years I've had to fake my death for so many reasons, if we make people think she's dead then people will believe that” Star said. “So what is it that you intend to do, brother” Elijah asked me. “Whatever it takes to save our family” I said laying a hand on my child's head.

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