Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

 Pitcher of dress->


I walked in the house with Star right behind me "I'm going to head upstairs and get dressed for the funeral" I said to Klaus and Elijah as they talked to Genevieve. I got dressed in a black dress that went to my knees and the sleeves covered my arms. When I was already we went to the funereal then after was a parade witch Hayley came to. I walked with Hayley as Elijah walked up to us "hello Hayley" Elijah said "Elijah" Hayley said.

I walked a little slower so they were alone, Hayley looked back at me like she was mad for leaving her. I smiled at her as Klaus walked next to me. I started to cough "you alright, you look" Klaus asked me "a hundred months pregnant and pissed off at the world" I asked. "I was going to say side tract but that works too" Klaus said with a smile as I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm fine, I just thought hunters wouldn't get sick" Klaus smiled but was silent. "What, have you come to try and talk me into staying or Hayley moving back in" I asked? "Both" Klaus said looking around.

Klaus walked ahead of me and up to Hayley and Elijah as I walked behind them. "Do you think I was the target of those bombings" Hayley asked "of course you were the target. If I were to wage a war on the wolves, you'd be my first kill, I would string you up for all your worshipers to see" Klaus said and I rolled my eyes at him. "I believe that was my brother's way of telling you he'd like you to return home with us" Elijah said to Hayley.

"Perhaps try a different approach, Niklaus, with fewer references to murder" Elijah said to Klaus as Hayley seemed a bit amused by it all. I felt like I had something in my throat and couldn't get it out as I coughed again. "As much as I would hate to throw you over my shoulder and drag you kicking and screaming to the compound, we both know I will, for the sake of Star leaving and you being the future mother of my child" Klaus said with a smile. "One bad dream, and suddenly you want to be a responsible daddy" Hayley said not believing a word. Klaus wrapped his arm around Hayley as Elijah slowed his pace so he was walking with me.

"Let me put this in perspective" Klaus said to Hayley "uh oh, this won't end well" I said. "I couldn't agree more" Elijah said. "My father lived to torment me, it is not my intention to become him, this cycle of misery ends with my child" Klaus finished. Hayley smiled as she moved Klaus's arm "you forgot one thing in your attempt to plead your case. Once that child of your is born and Star is gone she is not your child, she is ours".

Hayley walked ahead of us as Elijah joined Klaus again and I continued to walk behind as I kept coughing and tried to catch my breath but it was hard. "Very heartfelt, Niklaus" Elijah said "I bloody hate funerals" Klaus said under his breath. I walked over to the sidewalk as I kept coughing and trying to catch my breath but couldn't. I coughed again but a bit harder as I started to cough out blood, and lots of it. I fell to the ground uncontentious.


I walked with Elijah as all of a sudden I heard Genevieve call my name "Klaus" I looked over to see Star fall to the ground. "Star" I yelled and ran over to her, picking her up as Elijah and Genevieve joined us in the "garden". Elijah cleared the table off as Hayley ran in "what happen" Hayley asked "I can help" Genevieve said "don't you touch her" Elijah said. "Let her be, Elijah, she was a nurse" Hayley said to Elijah as he sighed. "There's a spell I can do, Elijah, get chamomile from the pantry" Genevieve said.

"She freezing, your jacket, Klaus" I took off my jacket and gave it to her as she laid it on Star. "She's not breathing, I can hear the baby's heartbeat, but not hers" Elijah said bringing the stuff over. "Star, listen to me, you can't do this, you have to come back, to yell at me for being a terrible father, please" I whispered in Star's ear.

Star's Head

My eyes flew open as I looked around, seeing I was laying on the table. I sat up, looking around until I looked and saw someone walking towards me and I quick struggled back. "Hello my dear" the man said "your Klaus's father" I said as he smiled "so you've heard of me".


Genevieve said a spell as I bit my wrist and feed it to Star "come on" I said "she's still not breathing" I said polling my wrist away "it's not working" I said. "I'm taking her to a real doctor" Elijah said about to pick her up. "If you move her from here, my spell will break, there won't be enough time to get her to a hospital" Genevieve quickly said. "Will the baby survive if delivered now, I'll rip it out of her myself" I said about to go towards Star. "Star will bleed to death, you'll lose them both Genevieve said to me.

"I won't lose that baby, I won't lose either of them" I said mad and upset. "Then you have to trust me, I have an idea get my bag, now Genevieve said.


"I see my reputation still precedes me" Klaus's father said as I started to walk backwards and he walked towards me. "This is a nightmare, I'm dreaming" I said a bit scared "on the contrary my darling, this is very real". He ran over, grabbing my neck and turning me around "welcome to my hell, stuck in an eternity of watching over that hideous creature my children call brother". "You're dead, how can I be here" I asked trying to get out of his grip but couldn't. "Oh, my God, no, no, the baby" I said freaking out a bit now.

"That kid never had a chance, and as if your bloodline isn't filth enough, killing vampires, killing family of mine, you poison it by merging it with Klaus". "I didn't" I said "it wasn't me" I said "oh, yes, I forgot, it wasn't you, but you are carrying this child now. The deathless vermin fancying himself a daddy" Klaus's dad said with a smiled. I screamed and grabbed his arm turning around and braking it, pushing him as hard as I could. "No, she's not dead, I'm not dead, if I was dead, you wouldn't be trying to kill me" I said getting it now.

"You're dead Mikael, your son already beat you" I said as Mikael walked towards me, yelling "he is not my son! He's a scourge, a walking symbol of weakness" I kicked the stairs, breaking of a piece and using it as a stake. "There is no saving that atrocity festering in your womb, Klaus will destroy it one way or another" I walked backwards up the stairs. "Better he dies now, and you along with it" Mikael jumped so he was in front of me. I quickly jumped over the stairs, sliding down the side a bit as I landed on my feet.

Mikael jumped to the floor in front of me. "Ya well I have an advantage that you never had" I said mad "and whats that" Mikael asked with a smile. I stabbed him in the stomach "I was raised by Klaus Michelson" I said mad but had a smile on my face.


My eyes flew open as I gasped for breath and everyone stood up, running towards me. I was triffid but tried my best not to show it, it wasn't working. "You're all right, love, you're all right" Klaus said to me helping me sit up. "I saw him, and he tried to kill me" I said and looked at Klaus. "I saw Mikael" I said.

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