Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I looked at Elijah in silence as he held Hayley in his arms “you've been bitten” I say to him as he doesn’t seemed that much fazed by it. Elijah took my blood and he started to heal as I looked down at Star, lying dead in my arms. “The one person I’ve loved, the one person who I gave my heart to” I whispered as I looked at Star.


I open my eyes and look around to see I’m standing outside on my home, not Klaus’s home, or Damon’s but my actual home, where I lived with my family. I looked at the medium, white house that stood in front of me and walked towards it. When I reached the front door I reached for the door knob and opened the door to see my living room and half of the kitchen. I walked into the living room where it was connected to the kitchen and stopped.

I stopped and looked to see my mom in the kitchen washing dishes and my dad in the living room reading a paper. I couldn’t believe my eyes, as I heard these little feet coming from down the stairs and turned to see myself. I was around five years old. “Hey kiddo” my dad said outing down the newspaper and picking little me up, setting me on his lap.

“How was school today” “good, I met someone new today” “really, who” my dad asked a bit surprised. “Well I didn’t actually meet her but she looked really pretty, she was talking with my teacher. I heard her say something her name was like Rebekah” little me said. I froze, Rebekah it couldn’t be the Rebekah I knew, could it.

All of a sudden the front door slammed open, braking off the hinges and flying across the hallways. Little me, my dad, and mom quick look as I turned around to see Klaus. He stood there, mad with his fangs out. “Take Star” my dad said handing me to my mom as he grabbed a gun and shot Klaus. Klaus walked up to my dad and grabbed his neck, breaking it.

I heard a small scream and looked over to where my mom was standing in the kitchen, holding me close. “Klaus, you can’t kill us, as long as our children live we will too” my mom said. “Well then it looks like I’ll be killing all of you today” Klaus said. He grabbed my mom and threw, making her hit the sink and she fell to the ground.

I fell out of her arms and slide on the floor, as Klaus looked at little me I saw a stake go through his chest. He froze and turned to see my sister standing there, looking mad but froze in her spot. Klaus spun her around and held her in his arms “I could really use someone like you” Klaus said and bit his wrist forcing the blood in her mouth.

Klaus broke her neck and she fell to the ground lifeless. Little me huddled in a corner and held her knees as Klaus looked at her. Klaus was about to charge but stopped and looked me in the eyes. Fear was in my eyes as Klaus seemed almost upset as he stood and looked around. No one else was there. Klaus quickly ran up to little me as I screamed and he held my head.

Klaus was compelling me; everything he was telling me is what I though was the truth all along. “Hello my dear” I quickly turned and saw my parents with a smile on their faces. “Mom, dad” I asked “yes, it’s us” my dad said and I ran up to them hugging them as tight as I could.

“Oh my god, I’ve missed you guys so much” I said as a few tears escaped my eyes then I realized something. I pulled away “wait, how can I touch and see you” they were both silent “tell me” I said a little loud. “You can see us, because you’re dead” my mom said. I looked at them surprised “Hayley” I said “dead as well” “no, we both can’t be dead, that’s not how it’s supposed to be” I said freaking out a bit.

“It’s okay, you both won’t be dead for long” my mom said trying to calm me “what do you mean” I asked? “You are right, this is not how things are meant to be, you are meant to be alive” my dad said. “And Hayley” I asked as they both sighed “she can’t be” “what, no change things then, I can die, I’ve accepted that, but Hayley, Hayley can’t” I said. “Hayley is the one is supposed to live, be with Klaus, be the mother of his child”.

“But she won’t be, you are, it was meant like that all along” my mother said. “But I’m dead, I can’t come back to life” I said “as ghost we can help you go back to life” my mom said. “How, what can you do” “we have a friend on this side, a witch, to help us bring you back to life” my mom said. “Sophie” I said “correct” my dad said.

“But Hayley” “will be fine here, I promise, this is your fate” my mom said and started to vanish, as did everything else.

I opened my eyes fats and gasped for air. Klaus and Elijah looked at me shocked as Klaus held me in his arms. “You're alive” Klaus said “how” Elijah asked me “my parents, I saw them, Sophie, Sophie brought me back to life” I said sitting up as Klaus helped me. “I thought you were gone” Klaus said in almost a whisper as I did a small smile “wow, you really can’t get rid of me” I said as Klaus did a small smile.

“The baby” I said realizing everything “they took the baby, but there's still time” Klaus said to Elijah and I. “You and I can save her” Klaus said to Elijah standing up while Elijah looked upset and couldn't believe what he was hearing. “And me” I said standing up “no, you are going to stay here” Klaus said turning to me. “What, no you need me” I said as Klaus and Elijah started to walk away.

I grabbed Klaus's arm, making him turn around while Elijah walked outside “I'm coming with you” I said. “Listen, I thought I lost you and I will not do that again” Klaus said to me and kissed me. “I love you” Klaus whispered to me and ran off. I sighed and realized I had to help. I quickly turned to Hayley who was laying there dead; I fast walked up to her “I make my own fate” I said and looked around, seeing a small table and breaking the leg off.

I scratched my arm and out it to Hayley's lips. I polled away and looked around, I knew I had to do something. “Hopefully that works” I say to myself and quickly run out of the church and towards the house. I had a short dress on so I knew I had to change, I snuck up to my room and quickly got dressed in some jeans, a black shirt, and my black boots. I grabbed a couple of knifes and put one in each boot, and grabbed two guns, one I kept in my back pocket, the other I held in my hands and quickly put my hair up.

“I really need a shower after this” I said to myself and snuck out of the house and headed to the graveyard.

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