Chapter 12

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Chapter 12



I walked down the stairs to see Damon finishing up a dead body and let it fall to the ground. “Why do you do this” I as Damon as he looked at me with a small smile “why do you care” “because I don't want you to be what other people think you are”. “What a monster, sorry to disappoint you Star but last time I checked I was a vampire” Damon yelled at me. “That doesn't mean you have to act like one” I quickly yelled at Damon as we heard a noise come from up the stairs.

Damon and I looked up the stairs as Damon walked foreword next to me. “Stay here” Damon said as I watched Damon walked up the stairs. I stood there and looked around as I felt like someone was in the room with me. I quickly turned around and saw a smiling Klaus “Klaus” I said with a whisper “well hello little hunter” “what are you doing here” I asked taking a step back.

“I just came to see how things were” “I told you to stay away” I said “but yet my phone still rings at times with your name” Klaus said. “Ya because I still think I need your help but I don’t, so leave” I said a bit mad. “Well just know that my door will always be open for you, even when your heart stops beating, and it will someday” Klaus said and ran off. Damon jogged down the stairs “well there wasn’t anyone upstairs” Damon said and stopped to look at me. “What happen” Damon asked as I looked at him.

“Nothing, I’m just going upstairs” I said. Two weeks later I left Mystic Falls and went to find Klaus until I found him…… In New Orleans.

Another Flashback

I sat in a chair as I started to write a letter “Dear Caitlin, Angel, or Crystal; to Klaus's and Hayley's daughter. I just remembered a time when your father told me I was always welcomed to the house, but I didn't listen, now here I am, caring you when your not even mine. In a way I guess you are. I never got to know my mother, nor any of my family for that matter, but I did know your father. Your father is one of the worst people you will meet, annoying, a killer, but he loves you, he will do anything for you, and me”.

I kept writing “I have no idea what my mother must have felt when she carried me. So I thought I'd write to you. I may not be your mother, but I will always be your friend, someone who felt you kick inside of her even though you are not mine. I write this so that no matter what happens, what may come for you, what your father may say or do, everyone loves you, even me”.

I sighed “my saying I have followed since I was a baby is “don't make promises you can't keep” if you don't get anything from me then I hope you get that. This promise though I will keep, 3 things that you will have that I never did a safe home, someone to tell you that they love you every single day, and someone to fight for you no matter what. I had a few of those things but nothing I can call.... family, blood. Remember blood is thicker than water, but when it comes to your father, that's not always true. So there you go, baby girl, the rest your mother and father will have to figure out together. I hope one day, when your older we can meet, and I can tell you stories of your father, stories about the girl who found out that Niklaus Michelson does have a heart, Love Star Woods!

“Let go of me, you bitch” I yelled at Genevieve as I laid on a small table with blankets on it in the middle of the church. “You should know this brings me no joy, I promise I'll make it quick” she said “then why are you doing it” I yelled a bit in pain “let's begin, shall we” “no, no” I said. All of a sudden the front doors open and in comes Klaus with blood all over him. The witch quickly rise their hands and throw Klaus to the wall next to me.

I scream in pain as I push “I will bring hell to your doorstep” Klaus yells “one last push” Genevieve says to me. “The baby's almost here” “I will bathe in rivers of your blood” Klaus yells “I can see the baby, okay, now push, gently, gently” “you will die screaming” Klaus yells as I push and the door opens again, there standing Hayley as the witches throw Hayley next to them.

I push one last time “there” I hear a slight baby cry as I catch my breath “you have a beautiful baby daughter” Genevieve says. Klaus looks at the child, words can not come out. “We must start the sacrifice as soon as the moon sets with the morning sky” Genevieve says “please, please can I hold her” I say with a faint smile as Francesca hands the child over to me and I hold her in my arms. I looked at Hayley as she stands up with a smiled.

“Hayley look out” I yelled as one of the witches came up from behind Hayley and cut her throat. She fell to the ground, dead as Klaus looked shocked. I went to stand up but the same witch that slashed Hayley's throat came up and stabbed me in the stomach. I froze in my spot as I looked down at where I was stabbed. Francesca took the child as I was to weak and fell to the ground.

“No” Klaus yelled as the witches started to walk away. One of the witches twisted her hand making Klaus snap his neck as he fell to the ground. I sat on the stairs as I watched the witches leave and held my stomach. I slide over to Klaus “Klaus, come on wake up” I said shaking him but he wouldn't move. I turned him over as I slapped him across the face a few times. He quickly sat up gasping for air “Klaus its okay” I said “Star” he said looking at me “I'm fine, Hayley” I said as he quickly ran over to her.

Klaus shook his head as he listened and I looked at them upset as Klaus looked at me. “Your bleeding” “I'll be fine, go” I said “I can't heal you, my blood it won't heal you” Klaus said. “I know, I'll be fine, you have to go” I said fighting the pain and the fact I wanted to close my eyes. “Go, save your daughter” I said as he looked at me upset “what about you” “find Elijah, have him come” I choked out as he kissed my forehead “I'll be right back, I promise I'll find Elijah and you will live” Klaus said. I nodded as Klaus walked outside.

I laid on the ground as I knew I wasn't going to make it. I looked up at the ceiling as I sighed and closed my eyes thinking of what Klaus had said.


“I'll be right back, I promise I'll find Elijah and you will live” Klaus said to me.

Flashback Ended

I opened my eyes “don't make promises you can't keep” I whispered as everything got blurry and I closed my eyes, letting darkness take over me.


I quickly walk outside and look around to see if I could find the witches or hear them but couldn't as I looked to see Elijah fast walking towards me. "Where's Hayley and Star" Elijah asked "Stars inside, she needs your blood to heal her, if I give her mine then she won't heal" I said to Elijah "and Hayley" Elijah asked as I was silent. Elijah quickly ran in the church as I stood there for a second and looked at the ground before starting to walk again "Klaus" I heard Elijah yell and I quickly turned around and ran in the church listening for the heartbeat but I didn't hear it.

I ran over to Star, sitting on the ground as I picked her up and held her in my arms, fighting the tears. “Come on Star, wake up, come on” I said as Elijah knelt down in front of me as I held Star, no please, no” I said as tears started to come down my face. “Wake up” I yelled in her face, nothing.

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