Chapter 2

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Biggest twist/ surprise ever, love this chapter, comment and let me know what you think!}

 Chapter 2


I drove back to New Orleans with all the windows down as I had one hand on the wheel and the other on my head as my elbow sat on the door, thinking. I sighed as I watched the road as I past the sign that read “Welcome To New Orleans”. I thought to myself how many times I've past that sign and still didn't know if it would be my last time seeing it. I polled up to the huge house I called my home so many times but never knew if it was. I sighed as I parked the car and started the house for a minute before going inside.

I walked inside the house, closing the door behind me as I leaned on it. I looked around, see that there was no one here and that the place was empty. Walked up the stairs and into my room, to see that everything was where I left it before. I threw my bag on the bed and set a gun and a few knives that I had on me on the table in front of me. I stared at the knifes as the laid in a straight line. I grabbed one of the knifes pitchers all the times I have thrown a knife or used it. My best was with a knife and a gun, but a gun can run out of bullets.

I spun the knife in my hand as I quickly turned around and threw it. It flew threw the air as it hit the middle of a thin book. I stopped and looked at the huge bookshelf that carried many thick books but never any thin ones, so why was there one now. I walked over to the bookshelf and grabbed the knife, polling it out of the book. There was a little scratch where the knife had went threw. I grabbed the book and pulled it out, revealing my journal, I didn't leave it there, I always left it either under my mattress or under my bed. I polled it out seeing that the pages in the book were bent.

I saw a page that had a bookmark in it and turned to the page seeing it was the page I was talking about who I should choose. Klaus must have read it, great, he's probable mad now, going on a killing spree or something. I put the book back in the bookshelf and twisted the knife in my hand as I heard the downstairs door open and close. I looked up as I stopped twirling the knife and walked down the stairs and into the living room. Elijah quick turned around and smiled “Star, your back” Elijah noticed the knife in my hand and gave me a confused look.

I looked at the knife and said as I put the knife in my back pocket “sorry I thought you were a witch or something”. Elijah nodded “so is Klaus on a killing spree or something” I asked “no, why” Elijah asked. “Never mind, anyways what have I missed” I asked realizing that maybe Klaus didn't read my journal or that he really has changed from the Klaus I once knew. “Well Hayley is with the werewolf's, Klaus has been hooking up with a witch since you left, and I'm just here making sure that everyone stays in line” Elijah said with his hands in his pocket as I leaned on the wall.

“Sounds like you” I said and crossed my arms “what were you up too” Elijah asked “nothing, had to take care of a few things but now I'm fine, better actually” I pushed myself off the wall and started to head out the door. “When you see Klaus tell him I'm back, oh and one more thing, did you see my journal anywhere” I asked seeing if it was Elijah. “No, I thought you took it with you” Elijah said confused “oh, okay” I nodded my head “by the way Star” I turned to Elijah. “Its good to have you back, for good this time” Elijah said with a smile as I did a small smirk “Elijah I'm never here for good, you know me I'm a runner, not a stayer” I said.

I walked around town but didn't Klaus or anyone. I sighed and walked back to the house. I opened the door and walked inside “well I see the little witch is back” I looked up to see Klaus walking down the stairs. “I hear someone's been busy” I said with a small smile as I walked to the end of the stairs. “I'm guess Elijah told you” “what you've been up too, yes” I finished and walked up the stairs, walking around Klaus and up to my room. Klaus followed me as I entered my room and looked over to my table, seeing that the knives were missing”.

I walked over to the table and looked underneath it, not seeing the knifes anywhere until I looked up and saw the Klaus holding the knife in his hand. “The last time I checked” Klaus said and grabbed me pinning me to the wall with the knife to my throat “you carried the weapon on you, not in your room”. I had no emotion on my face “that's what you think, but there's one thing you always taught me” “and whats that” Klaus asked with a smile. “When you don't have something on you” I said grabbing the knife from my back pocket and quickly turned Klaus around so he was against the wall. “Is to always have a back up” I finished, holding the knife to his throat now.

“You've learned well” Klaus said with a smile “you taught me well” I said almost a whisper. “Why did you come back” Klaus asked me as I paused for a moment and thought about my words carefully. “I made my choice” I said almost a whisper again as Klaus looked at me to see if I was lying or not. The next thing I knew he quickly knocked the knife out of my hand and kissed me passionately.

I woke up as the suns light came threw the window, shining in the room. I sat up and saw Klaus painting a pitcher “what are you painting” I ask with a smile “a pitcher” Klaus said. I sighed and held the sheet up to my neck as I slid off the bed and put my clothes on. I walked over to Klaus as I finished putting my black tank top on and laid my chin on his shoulder as I watched him paint. He was painting a sunset with a moon rising over an ocean. “Its beautiful” I said as Klaus just smiled at my comment then put the paint brush down and turned to look at me.

“Klaus what's wrong” I asked as he seemed upset about something “there's something you need to know” “Klaus what are you talking about" I asked confused on what he was talking about and a bit scared on what he was going to say next. “Some of your memories are lies” Klaus said “what memories” “that scar” he pointed to the right side of my stomach as I lifted up my shirt, revealing the scar I had gotten when I was a kid. “Ya it was a knifing issue gone wrong” I said and let my shirt fall back down. “No it wasn't” Klaus said.

I listened to him “when you were a child, you heard about this valentine dance, you wanted to go so bad but I wouldn't let you. You got mad at me and you snuck, through your bedroom window and headed to the party. When I went to check on you, you were gone and I knew where you went. When I got there I watched you have an amazing time and I didn't stop you. The one second I didn't watch you a guy came, around your age and took you outside”.

I was confused but listened “many people knew what you were to me and that if they wanted to hurt me they would hurt you. He stabbed, the kid, he stabbed you in the side, when I found you, you were almost dead” Klaus said and I looked at him as silence filled the room for a minute. “Klaus it was one scare, it wasn't your fault, why are you telling me this” I asked with a small smile. “Because I believe that secrets are a poison, that they need to be spat out” Klaus said upset.

“It was one mistake, its not the end of the world” I started and saw Klaus's face “there's more isn't there” I said as my smile faded. “I lied about something more important, I lied about your parents death” I backed away from Klaus a bit. “I was mad at Stefan for not joining me and I wanted to get back at him, so I convened Damon to work with me. Stefan hated that his brother was a monster so I made him one. One night I was following him as he killed his family and I saw this little girl, 5 years old, scared, but at the same time wasn't. So I stopped Damon and made run off and I saw you and wanted to always see you, train you to be the hunter your family was”.

I looked at Klaus confused on what he was talking about "you mean to tell me all of my life you made me think that Damon killed my parents when the truth is you did" I asked mad and backing away as he walked forward, towards me. "I was trying to-" "to what" I asked mad "I was trying to protect you" "the only thing you should be protecting me from is you" I yelled and quick ran out of the room "Star wait" Klaus said running after me and stopping in front of me. I quick stabbed a knife into his stomach as he quick tensed up and I pushed him off the second floor onto the ground "that's for my parents" I said mad and quick ran out the door.

Comment and let me know what you think of the chapter!!!

The Original Mother (Book 3)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ