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Down Into The Rabbit Hole [2]

"I get to love you. It's the best thing that I'll ever do. I get to love you. It's a promise I'm making to you. Whatever may come, your heart I will choose. Forever I'm yours, forever I do."
Ruelle {I Get To Love You}

"—Ruelle {I Get To Love You}———

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"What are you doing?!" Caroline shouted, startled into action by the screaming, jumbled thoughts wondering what had happened in the minutes passed and why Klaus was doing as he did. "What I need to—hold her still." The blonde didn't move to do as he said, finding it hard to understand how helping the woman could result in such agony. "What you—Klaus, you're hurting her! You can't—" The hybrid growled as he pinned the woman's upper body, "I can't do what needs to be done unless you do as I say, Caroline! Hold. Her. Down." 

The vampire fumbled for a moment, conflicted before she did as demanded, pinning America's legs to the couch. Her eyes watered with growing worry, fear and stress, Caroline seeing every possible and terrible outcome as the woman's body convulsed. "What's happening? What are you doing to her?" The blonde asked, expecting no answer in their current predicament but desperate for one. The woman jerked and twisted and turned in her suffering, her cries belaying the most intense pain. 

Blood leaked from her nose and though rarely exposed to it, Caroline could feel the heavy presence of magic. She didn't quite know how she knew, just simply sensed that it was restless and defensive, feeling pinpricks of it along her flesh where her exposed skin touched her friend's. It was uncomfortable, to say the least, but Caroline had no care left to focus on such a minor thing with the situation at hand. "Please, anything. Just—" The blonde clamped down on her tongue as her friend's cries dissolved into sobs, her head shaking in her effort to writhe away from the pain. 

She was speechless in light of the woman's suffering, the tears in her eyes trailing down her cheeks as trembling hands continued pressing down on America's legs. The cries quieted, Caroline watching with slight horror as her body went limp within the very same second silence fell on the room. She was still. Too still. The blonde murmured to herself, anxious. Her hands fidgeted with her fingernails as she stared down at the unmoving woman. Klaus had slumped over, his head resting on America's abdomen as his shoulders heaved with the weariness of what he'd done. 

"Is she dead?" Caroline whispered, knowing it was unlikely but how else could a body be so still and unmoving and be alive? Klaus' shoulders jerked and he had her instant attention, green eyes filled with concern only for the blonde to realize the man had been laughing. "No, Caroline." The rigid tension left her body in a flash, the vampire heaving a sigh of relief where a few more tears of stress and worry followed. "But. . . she isn't breathing," the vampire kept whispering as she neared, kneeling down beside Klaus. 

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