Chapter 9

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Tae’s POV

I am beside myself. I don’t even know what I’m doing. The fact that Godt picked up Bas from home to go to the set together makes me feel so confused.

That’s why I didn’t hesitate to drag Bas out here away from everyone to ask him.

I am aware that Godt is in a relationship. Hell, I even followed his girl friend on IG. But right now, I am just dying in jealousy because of my fear that Godt will steal my Nong from me.

I know that this is wrong. I don’t have any right to feel this way. But I understand deep inside me what I truly feel towards Bas. That it’s more than just a brotherly feeling. And that scares me.

This is Bas’ fault. If only he didn’t let me kiss him, then I wouldn’t be this possessive of him. Wait! Am I blaming him for this when it is really me who forced him to do it? I’m such a jerk.

This is all so frustrating. I thought I could manage being and staying an older brother to him, but eventually I realized it wouldn’t be enough. There’s more to it. I am just afraid to admit it. I am afraid for the two of us, and how it can affect our job as actors. They made it clear that sexuality is essential in this project. That not being straight is against the rule. And I just don’t get it. Why, 2 Moons is an LGBT –themed series after all, right?

I wasn’t bothered by that rule when I signed the contract. However, now, it feels like such a big deal for me.

I know about Bas and his secret. I believe I have to protect him, but now I am also confused with my own self.

How will I be able to get over this jealousy? Hmmmm. I know!

“Just one kiss, nong….”

Yes. I long for another kiss. To know for sure. Or maybe I just want to satisfy my obsession over his lips since last night. But you know what? I think I want to do it for the sake of just doing it. Like taking advantage of him. I have never felt this kind of excitement over someone. Maybe it’s because he’s the first guy I’ve taken a liking to. All this time I thought I only liked women.

Bas is in awe. His white skin isn’t helping with hiding his shock. What a simple teasing can do to this cute kid? Blushing is his natural ability. Can he be any cuter?

Hold up! I didn’t notice someone is walking towards us.
Is that Godt? Shit!

From the way he looks, I can say that he heard what I’ve just said. Not only his face shows it but also his sudden stop from walking. I am trapped. I need to think of something to get his mind off of what I said.

“Hahahahah” I laugh. Here goes a lie.

“Good thing I was cast as Forth because I really don’t fit Phana’s role.” There. Let’s see if this works.

Now Bas looks even more surprised.
Come on, Bas. Please go with it.
In the corner of my eye, I see Godt recovering from shock starting to walk towards us again. He gives me a wai before saying, “P’Tae, N’Bas, it’s time for lunch. Food is here.”

Bas seems to understand why I quickly changed the topic of the conversation. He turns to look behind him when he heard Godt’s voice.

“Thanks N’Godt! We were actually on our way back. We just thought of practicing your lines here.” I smile at him after saying that.
Come on, believe me! I don’t want him to get any ideas about Bas and me. More importantly, I don’t want him to know Bas’ secret.

“Sure, P’! Let’s go.” says Bas. “Our scene is up next right?” he added.

“Yup! We’ll have a long day today. I heard we’re the doing the umbrella scene tonight. Fire truck is on its way.”

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