Chapter 15

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Tae's POV

Rainbows. Butterflies. Unicorns. Sunshine. Cloud nine. Emojis. Anything else? Did I miss anything? How else can I express this bliss?
Will someone please pull me back to reality because I still can't get through my system the fact that Bas and I are officially together now? No one can describe the level of exhilaration that I'm in at this moment.

I've never been this ecstatic. That night was so magical. The words were simple as they were, but I swear, from his 'I love you' to his 'yes', it couldn't get any sweeter. I know I look tough and all, but every single fiber of my sanity disintegrated and became unaware of the reality as he let out those innocent yet erotic moans with his broken voice. Those will forever be tattooed on my mind.

I don't usually speak this way. It must be the love drug talking.

Nobody can blame me for being too protective of him now. I'll make sure to fortify the great wall around him. Bas is mine and mine alone. Sorry Godt. Sorry Kimmon.

The series might've prevented Forth and Wayo to have each other, but Tae and Bas together IRL is 1000 times much better.

Which reminds me, it's his birthday today, and I did my best to make this day perfect. Simple is not an option because we're talking about Bas here. My boyfriend.

"Good morning and happy birthday, my mia jaa (dear wife)."
That totally made him blush. I guess he's not used to it yet. He just got in my car, and we're going to the set together.

 He just got in my car, and we're going to the set together

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"P'Tae, please don't call me that. It's embarrassing."
Of course I know you're embarrassed judging from the way you turned red, and I just want to kiss you right now, you adorable you!

Before I reply to him, I move my body closer to his to fasten his seatbelt. His smell is intoxicating. I wonder how I can control myself around him.

"Alright. I'll stop calling you mia jaa if you kiss your pua jaa (dear husband) now." I only had to whisper since the distance between the two of us is getting smaller and smaller. And that is making him blush even more. Damn so cute!

"P'Tae!!! What if dad sees us?" he turns to look out the window.

"Ha ha ha. Okay, okay. Just call me pua jaa, and I'll stop." I tell him as I move to fasten my own seatbelt. I still haven't started the engine though.

"No way." He almost shouted.

"We're not going anywhere until you say it."

He stares at me and says, "Let me out, and I'll take a cab!" He tries to grab his seatbelt, but before he could, I tell him, "If you make another move, I'll go back inside your house and introduce myself to my future in-laws."

"P'Tae!!!" he screams again.

"Come on, say it! P'Tae is my pua jaa."

He looks down first before whispering, "P'Tae is my pua jaa."
Shit! I didn't realize how much those words from him could affect me. Now I can't stop smiling while starting the engine.

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