Spy fly

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"What is that?" Bree asks as she swats at the air.

"Bree, relax. It's just a fly." Chase tells her, looking up from his work.

"Well, why is it bothering me when the foul, ripe stench of Adam is right there?" She points to Adam sitting in a wheely chair with a bowl of cereal.

"Lucky undies. Nine days in a row, and no lighting strikes: that's science." He tells them matter of factly.

"Wait. You haven't changed your undies in over a week?" I ask.

"No, I haven't changed them in nine days." He scoffs. Bree continues to swat the fly away as Leo walks in laughing.

"You look ridiculous." He remarks.

"Well, yeah, so would you if you had some flying thing attacking you." Bree sasses back.

Leo pushes a button on his watch and the fly lands on his hand, "Would I?"

"How'd you do that?" Bree asks as Chase and I walk over.

"I talk to insects. They call me the fly whisperer." Leo tells us.

"No they don't." I whisper back.

"You can talk to flies? Ask him why bees are such jerks." Adam rushes over.

"They're not jerks, they're just misunderstood." I tell Adam, folding my arms.

"Guys, Leo's messing with you. That's Mr. Davenport's spy fly, he designed it for recon missions. You see, the fly's head is a tiny camera. Leo's controlling the entire thing with a trackball on this watch." Chase shows us the hive in Leo's bag and points to his watch.

"Is there anything you don't ruin?" Leo asks.

"Nope. Leo, I don't think Mr. Davenport would approve of you using his expensive gadgets as toys." Chase tells him.

"Well, then, he shouldn't have gone to Rock 'N Roll Fantasy Camp. Hello! You're almost forty! You can't rock, and you're no one's fantasy." Leo tells us.

"Wait, so Davenport's not here?" I ask excited.

"Nope." Leo tells me.

"Yay!" I squeal.

"Can I see it?" Bree reaches for the hive.

"Back off, handsy. It needs to charge in its fly hive. I used it all night." Leo pulls it away.

"Wait. You spent all night playing with that stupid thing?" Bree remarks.

"Well, half the night. I spent the other half editing the footage." He explains.

"What footage?" I ask worried.

"Well, now that you've asked... I give you the best... of Bree." He comments. He plays a video on one of the screens of Bree sleeping in her capsule. By sleeping i mean snoring, kissing and drooling.

"I can't believe you, Leo!" Bree shouts angrily as we all continue to laugh.

"Hey, it's not my fault you sleep ugly." Leo says in defence.


Adam, Chase and I have just been given these electric baby dolls to look after for a night.

"Hey, guys." Chase says as we walk over to Bree and Leo.

"Chase, have you been stealing from five year old girls again?" Leo mocks and I laugh.

The fourth bionic (Season 2) ~ Lab Rats FanFicUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum