Bro down

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in ages, I just couldn't think of an idea for Emily in this chapter! I know it's been like months so I'm gunna try update more like once a week now, maybe more. Sorry again! Xx

"Okay, what is with all the happy, squeaky hamster noises?" Bree asks chase as we watch him fiddle with a load of ropes.

"Did you finally grow a chest hair?" I patronise and he glares.

"No! I grew two. Actually, this is a little something I like to call "Adam's payback."" Chase explains. Why does he need to give Adam payback.

"For what?" I ask.

"Don't you remember what happened last Thursday?" Chase asks.


"Adam, there is no way you can clear that counter." Leo tells Adam.

"I can reach that easy." Adam remarks.

"I've seen him do it." Bree supports him.

"I think it'll be close but you won't wake it." I fold my arms across my chest judgementally.

"Hey. What you guys talkin' about?" Chase walks into the room at this moment and stands next to Adam. Rookie mistake.

"This." Adam says as he grabs Chase by his shirt and pants and throws him towards the kitchen counter, only for Chase to fall to the floor and slide straight into the chairs. Ouch!

"Told you." Leo remarks as I high five him and we leave the room.

--End of flashback--

"Oh, yeah. We all love the bionic brother toss." I laugh fondly at all the times Adam has thrown Chase.

"Yeah? Well, let's see how he likes this." Chase says as he fiddles with the ropes in front of him.

Leo and Adam step out the elevator and as they walk into the lab Leo notices the un-hidden rope on the floor and steps over it, "Trap."

"Trap what?" Adam asks him as he stands there with his foot in the loop just as Chase presses the button and Adam is pulled upside down into the air.

"Oh, yes! It worked! Now let's see how you like being relentlessly manhandled" chase shouts but he really needs to hear what he just said. That's just sad man. "That came out wrong." Chase says in realisation.

"Ya think?" I remark.

"Oh, the trap was on the floor." Adam laughs at his stupidness as I start to spin him round in circles.

"Yep, and now we're gonna play a game called Human Piñata. But instead of candy, we're gonna guess what Adam had for lunch." Chase explains with an evil grin as I start to speed up how fast I spin Adam.

"Ironically, I'm guessing it's candy." Leo remarks.

"You're forgetting one thing, Chase. I can use my heat vision to break free." Adam says as I stop spinning him and he uses the cyber desk to steady himself. He looks up and aims his eyes at the rope around his ankle, snapping it and falling to the floor. Adam jumps up in victory with his arm twisted around his shoulder. That doesn't look right, I think the shoulder bends the other way.

"Oh-Adam?" Bree points at his twisted arm.

"Whoa. I never knew my arm could bend like that." Adam admires it.

"Neither did I! You gotta teach me." I poke his arm to check it was real.

"Um... it can't." Chase tells us and I sulk as I feel a Leo collapse onto me. Adam's scream fills the room and Davenport soon runs in to spot the injured Adam.

The fourth bionic (Season 2) ~ Lab Rats FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now