Adam up

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"Okay. Who took my face cream?!" Brew shouts walking into the lab holding up the empty pot.

"Not me. I don't know what that is." I hold my hands up.

"That was face cream?" Adam asks with a burp.

"Adam!" Bree shouts angrily.

"Chill." I roll my eyes at her as I make a portal and reach through, grab another pot and hand it to her.

"Emily! You can't steal!" Bree scolds.

"Relax. I took it from Tasha's room." I shrug it off. Me? Steal? That's absolutely...actually that's a good idea. No one would ever see it coming! Ugh, I'm supposed to be a hero. Why does stealing have to be illegal?!

"Come on you guys. We were supposed to start training over an hour ago." Chase whines.

"Fine." Bree puts the pot down and Leo starts the simulation for us. Once inside I just stand behind and over see them as they fight the cyborgs. Yeah, like I'm actually gunna help. Exercise? On a weekend? No thank you. The only exercise I do is walking from the couch to the fridge. Heck, I don't even do that I just teleport.

"Emily, we're supposed to be training." Chase complains.

"I am. I'm practicing overseeing the training." I defend.

"You need to start taking this seriously." He takes out a cyborg to his left.

"Do I though?" I ask as I shoot one with fine causing him to melt to the ground. "Fire plus metal equals gloop." I point to the gloop on the ground.

"If Davenport was here-" Chase starts.

"Yeah, Yeah, okay, Fine. I'll train." I groan and shift into an ant on the floor to get him off my case. I wait a while but Chase manages to get himself knocked to the ground so I decide to help. We train in the simulator for a couple hours, since it took forever to kill a couple fancy tin cans, and are finally finished.

"Great job, guys. You just took out an entire unit of virtual cyborgs." Leo praises once we remove the headgear.

"I think it's sad that you have to invent people to play with you." Eddy remarks and I growl at him.

"Alright Leo, I'm off the clock. Let's get outta here." Adam puts a towel around his neck and the two start to leave.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Just 'cause Mr. Davenport's away doesn't mean we stop training." Chase stops them in their tracks. "How do you think I feel? I'm missing a four-hour documentary on the history of the Printing Press." He folds his arms at their groans.

"What's a printing press?" I whisper to Bree who just shrugs.

"But Leo and I were gonna play human bull's-eye bounce... don't worry, it's way more dangerous than it sounds." Adam assures them. Meh, sounds like a fun game to me. I'm so in!

"Human bull's-eye bounce. Is there any way you can get a good enough bounce to land in the emergency room? 'Cause that would save us a lot of time." Chase sasses.

"Nope. He's right, Adam. As much as I enjoy watching you get hurt and, I really do, we have to train." Bree laughs.

"Oh, come on! The adults are away! If we don't take advantage by doing something destructive, we're no better than... Chase." Leo mocks and I laugh.

"I'm sorry, but unless he can be in two places at once, he's training. Come on, let's get the bo staffs." Chase finalises.

"Wow. Who elected him mayor?" I remark as I grab a bo staff from the rack.

The fourth bionic (Season 2) ~ Lab Rats FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now