Robot Fight Club

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Adam and Chase are sparring in the lab whilst Bree and I are attacking a dummy

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Adam and Chase are sparring in the lab whilst Bree and I are attacking a dummy. It's not fair. How come they can spar and we can't?

"Hey, how come you guys are sparring and we have to hit Adam's math tutor?" I mock Adam. The dummy's IQ is a million times higher than Adam's.

"Davenport doesn't want his princesses getting hurt." Chase explains. I glare at him before flipping him onto his back. "Huh, that didn't hurt at all." I shrug.

"All right, guys, gather up. Today, we are going to be studying one of the most time-honored traditions in Japanese culture." Davenport tells us as he entered he lab.

"Ooh! Nun chuck combat?" Bree asks.

"Samurai sword fighting?" Chase questions.

"Wrestling ginormous dudes in diapers?" Adam mimicked them.

"Oh, sumo wrestling?" I ask.

"We will be studying the great martial art of aikido, the key principle of which is to deflect your aggressor's attack by using his own speed and strength against him." Davenport explains.

"Can we just get to the part where we obliterate them?" She motions to herself and me.

Davenport's phone begins to ring, "I have to take this. Uh, it's about money. Which is not more important than you, but is a very close second." He explains before dashing off. Feeling the love!

"Hey, Adam, attack me." Chase says as he gets into an offensive stance.

"Okay. Your hair is stupid, you're short, your face is weird, you're weird-" Adam starts to list and I laugh.

"I meant hit me." Chase explains.

"Okay, good, because that was going to be a really long list." Adam mocks and I laugh again.

"Wait, wait, wait. Are you sure about this? Adam is ten times stronger than you." Bree checks as Adam has a slight cockiness to his movement.

"And that's without his bionics." I mock making him glare.

"Doesn't matter. With aikido, a weak opponent can defeat a much stronger one." Chase explains.

"Ah, but what if the weaker opponent fits neatly into an overhead storage bin? I'm talking about you." Adam mocks.

"Just hit me." Chase shouts frustrated. Adam runs towards him with a fist ready but Chase manages to flip him onto his back on the floor. "And that's all you need to know about aikido." Chase finalises with a smirk.

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