Trucked out

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AN: 1K views! Wow this is unbelievable! Thanks so much for reading!! Sorry I haven't updated much lately but I have been stumped for ideas for this chapter. Em isn't as involved in the main storyline this time but will be there. Sorry again! Hope you enjoy! Xx

"Who are you?" I shout at the figure, hidden in the dark. I head a deep chuckle from behind me and spin around as fast as I can.

"Who am I?" The voice asks and I turn to try and find the source in the dark. I start to run and follow the voice in the black room.

"Where are you?" I cry out. Suddenly a door appears from beside me, light finding its way into the dark space. I cautiously edge over to the door, pulling it back slowly. My eyes slowly adjust to the light outside and a black figure stands in front of me. I can only make out it's blurred outline in the light.

"You thought you could escape me, you can never escape this!" The voice shouts and the door behind me slams. I run towards where it was but there's nothing, just air.

"What do you want?!" I shout back at the shape.

"Em!" Someone grabs my arm and I sit up.

"Huh?" I turn to see Mac looking at me confused.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Just a nightmare." I shrug and turn to the front of the classroom to her amusement.

"Nothing's worse than Mr Danver's lessons." She whispers.

"No." I smile with her but frown on the inside. Who was that? Am I going crazy? The lesson soon finishes and Mac and I head to lunch.

"Hey." Caroline runs over to us.

"Hey Caroline." Mac smiles.

"Here, you two are invited to my part Saturday night. Em, do you mind giving this invite to Leo?" She blushes slightly.

"Sure." I nod.

"Thanks so much." She smiles happily and walks off.

"I have a feeling she has a crush on a little boy named Leo." I remark and Mac nods.

"He's a cutie." She agrees and I feel a pang in my chest.

"Yeah." I smile and spot Leo about to walk past us.

"Leo, this is from Caroline." I hand it to him.

"Caroline-" He says confused.

"Davis." I answer and he jumps in excitement and squeals making us laugh as we walk off.

"What're you up to this weekend?" Mac asks.

"Nothing really. I've got my driving test tomorrow though." I explain.

"Need a coach, I got my licence." She offers.

"That'd be great!" I nod and grab my food. We eat and head to our lockers and as we're talking I notice Carter checking Mac out.

"Ooh, Carter's checking you out." I say with a fake smile. I hate that guy, Mac deserves someone better than him.

"Meh, I'm not into him." She shrugs it off and a wave of relief washes over me.

The fourth bionic (Season 2) ~ Lab Rats FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now